Christian Bale - Diet

Christian Bale - a famous actor, who are versatile roles. He is not afraid of any metamorphosis, so he is ready for changes in appearance and even for experiments with health. After watching all the films with the participation of Christian, you can see how for the sake of roles he radically changes his physical form. For example, in order to play in the "American Psycho" guy who is obsessed with a healthy lifestyle, he regularly went in for sports and eat right and his weight was 81 kg. For the role in the film "The Machinist" the actor needed to lose weight seriously and as a result, the weight of Christian Bale at the height of 183 cm was only 55 kg. After the actor was offered the role of Batman, for which he again had to gain weight to 90 kg. Such changes make one wonder a huge number of people who are interested in ways to lose weight actor.

The Christian Bale diet

Let's start with extreme weight loss for the role in the film "The Machinist", which, according to dieticians, is dangerous to health. Caloric content of the daily diet of Beyle was only 300 kcal, which is 10 times less than the necessary norm for a healthy person. Christian for three months observed a very strict diet, and you can say almost starved. His daily diet included:

To maintain health, the actor additionally took vitamin complexes and drank a lot of liquid. Observing such a diet, Christian Bale lost weight not only due to fat mass, but also muscle. In order not to concentrate on the feeling of hunger, he distracted himself in all possible ways, for example, by reading books. Bail tried to spend all his time at home, refusing to attend parties and other institutions, so as not to tempt himself once again with a diet. He admitted that only discipline and self-sacrifice made it possible to achieve this goal. In addition to dieting, the actor intensified in sports, giving preference to aerobic loads, namely running. As a result, he ideally approached the role, but at the same time his health was severely undermined. For girls, such a diet is very dangerous, because it can lead to weakness, fainting and problems in the menstrual cycle. Even such a strict diet negatively affects the work of the digestive tract and the nervous system suffers, so the person becomes irritable.

After the lean Christian Bale returned to normal nutrition, his body, in order to make up for all the lost calories and nutrients, began to store fat at double speed. All this awaits and other people who will give preference to such hungry weight loss.

Now it remains to find out how lean Christian Bale gained weight in order to become a superhero in the movie "Batman". The actor had to switch to a program aimed at gaining weight and building muscle. Its daily calorific value already was more than the norm, namely 4000 kcal. His daily diet was based on the fact that the body received 350 grams of protein, 500 grams of carbohydrates and 70-90 grams of fat. It is worth noting that Bale is a vegetarian, so he does not eat meat and poultry. To obtain the necessary protein, he included in the diet of fish, eggs and dairy products, as well as protein cocktails . Christian switched to a fractional food, consuming food every 2-3 hours. As for training, the emphasis was on strength exercises with a heavy weight. As a result, for five months the weight of Christian almost doubled and was 100 kg.