Diet from Svetlana Fus

Svetlana Fus is a well-known nutritionist who developed her own balanced nutrition system. An example of the effectiveness of the diet is the developer herself, and as for the typical diet for weight loss, Ms. Fus, as a dietician, does not recommend them at all to anyone. So, what are the benefits of the diet from Svetlana Fus and how does it differ from other diets.

Modern means of losing weight

According to Svetlana Fus, the typical diets on which we "sit", recollecting, when our weight has passed beyond the decent, lead only to stress of the body. As a result of such stress, soon the lost weight will return with interest, and the skin will forever be memorized stretch marks. Diet from a nutritionist Svetlana Fus has nothing to do with such slimming.

It is the same harmful it considers and the unreasonable consumption of food with a further program of fat burning in the gym. Since our dietician herself became a victim of this "weight loss", knows about the method firsthand. If you do not reduce the number of calories and expect to lose weight through training, the fat mass will remain the same, and under it, and grows muscular. As a result, your weight will increase by ten kilograms.

Diet for life

Diet Fus is a style of nutrition for a lifetime. Just a few simple rules, and you'll lose weight evenly, without compromising on health:

  1. Exclude sweets - reduce their consumption to 1 time per week, and after that, many even forget about the sweet.
  2. Do without sandwiches and rolls - this is not lunch, not breakfast and no dinner . Such snacks interrupt the appetite and stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. They are very caloric and their calories are called "empty".
  3. Drink more water. Normal fluid intake with a balanced diet from 1.5l to 2. If you eat dry - 3 liters.
  4. Coffee (natural) can be drunk and enjoyed. Do not drink coffee (as well as tea) on an empty stomach, and do not drink them food. Have breakfast and after half an hour you can boldly cheer up coffee. The maximum dose of coffee is 3-4 cups, but this is if you do not drink tea in parallel.
  5. Breakfast should be full and nutritious - porridge with cottage cheese and dried fruits. Do not eat raw vegetables and fruits since the morning, for them the second breakfast is intended. Snacks are yoghurt, kefir, fruit , nuts. For lunch, combine vegetables and meat - they contribute to the digestion of each other. Do not combine meat with flour. For dinner, prefer light food - porridge, stewed vegetables.