Ducane Diet - Permitted Foods

The diet of Pierre Ducane today has gained immense popularity among those who want to say goodbye to excess kilograms.

The products allowed for the Ducane diet are quite diverse, and are quite suitable for daily meals. The main rules of this diet - it is mandatory to drink 1.5 liters and more water per day, there is a certain amount of oat bran. In this case, for several stages, you should eat food, in which there are very few carbohydrates, and we will tell you in detail about which ones.

Approved products for the "Attack" phase of the Ducane diet

How long this phase can last depends on the number of extra kilograms:

With the Dukan diet during the "attack", foods enriched with protein are allowed. It can be turkey meat, lean ham, chicken without skin, veal liver, seafood and lean fish. You can not eat sugar, boiled duck meat, goose, rabbit, veal, pork, lamb and beef.

Following the rules of such nutrition, you can say goodbye to 2-6 kilograms of weight. The main task of the "attack" stage is the splitting of fats.

Permitted products for the stage "Cruise" (alternation) of the Ducane diet

At the stage of "cruise" there is a succession of changes in protein-containing foods and vegetables:

At the stage of "alternation" of the Ducane diet, products of plant origin are allowed. You can eat all cooked vegetables or grilled. Do not eat potatoes, peas, avocados, beans, lentils, corn, olives and other products containing starch. Also, you can afford to eat two products from the list: milk, gelatin, hot pepper, garlic, spices, a couple of teaspoons of white or red wine, cream, cocoa.

Allowed products for the "Fixing" phase of the Ducane diet

Now we need to consolidate the weight achieved for all previous stages. The duration of this phase is derived from the ratio: 10 days per 1 kilogram lost.

During this period it is allowed to eat products from the menu of the first stage, vegetables from the second stage, to please yourself with a daily portion of fruits, except bananas, cherries, sweet cherries. Also allowed to eat 2 slices of bread, 40 grams of cheese and a product containing starch (potatoes, rice, pasta, etc.). The most pleasant moment of the "fastening" phase is that 2 times a week, for one meal you can afford to eat whatever you want, and arrange a small feast for yourself.