How to restore lactation?

Breastfeeding is a natural process due to postpartum hormone production. But, despite the apparent ease of breastfeeding, it can not be adjusted by everyone, and then the milk simply disappears. Unbalanced nutrition, stress, improper application of the baby to the breast, and long intervals between feedings - all this can negatively affect the amount of breast milk. Faced with this problem, the woman is looking for an answer to the question "How to get lactation back and if it can be done at all?".

Is it possible to restore breastfeeding?

Not all women who have problems with breastfeeding know that restoration of lactation is possible. But instead of thinking about how to restore breastfeeding, they buy the mixture and do not even try to fight for preserving their milk, mistakenly believing that they are among the "non-dairy" women.

In fact, the percentage of women who by their nature are not capable of lactation, amounts to only two or three out of a hundred, so almost every mother has a chance to feed her baby with her milk, but sometimes it's worth fighting for. Even if at the very beginning the woman managed to initiate breastfeeding, in the future lactation crises are inevitable anyway, when the amount of milk produced does not correspond to the child's needs. Usually this coincides with the periods of growth of the baby, when along with it his appetite increases.

How to restore breast milk?

In solving this issue, a breastfeeding consultant can help, which will give the necessary recommendations and tell you how to get breast milk back. Usually, in case of a decrease in the amount of milk and at the risk of its complete disappearance, it is recommended that the following conditions for the successful restoration of breastfeeding be observed:

  1. First, you need to maximally adjust the emotional and psychological background of a nursing mother. In the body of anxious and restless mother, adrenaline hormones are raging, which interfere with sufficient production of breast milk.
  2. It is necessary to drink a sufficient amount (about 2 liters) of warm liquid, which is perfect for teas for nursing mothers. Such lactogens are sold at pharmacies and supermarkets. Tea for restoration of lactation basically contains seeds of fennel and dill, as well as bouquets of other herbs that have a beneficial effect on the process of milk production.
  3. The main condition for the successful completion of the task of restoring lactation is the frequent application of the baby to the breast at his request and the lack of complementary feeding. Superfluous in this matter will be a dummy.
  4. One of the important conditions in the solution of the question "How to restore lactation?" Is the joint sleep of mother and child. In the immediate vicinity of the child, as well as contact "skin to skin," under the influence of hormones in the body of the mother increases the production of breast milk.
  5. To increase the quantity and improve the quality of breast milk will help the proper caloric nutrition. This can be done by enriching the ration of the nursing mother with walnuts and sour-milk products.
  6. Provide a warm shower to the chest will help a warm shower, as well as some exercise (for example, pose dog).

Usually, the implementation of these simple recommendations leads to the establishment of lactation, allows you to cope with lactation crises, is the key to long and successful breastfeeding. But even if, due to some circumstances, mother could not keep breast milk, then do not despair, because the most important thing for a baby is, of course, my mother's love.