What kind of fish can nursing mothers have?

During breastfeeding, a young mother should carefully monitor her diet. There is a myth that you can not use fish when breastfeeding. However, this is a big mistake, because the fish not only does not belong to prohibited foods, but on the contrary, it is very useful for nursing mothers. It contains a large amount of phosphorus and protein, and also a lot of iodine, selenium and calcium.

In this article we will tell you what fish can be eaten by nursing mothers, and how to prepare it better.

Regular consumption of white fish food has a beneficial effect on the health of the nursing mother, and also promotes the development of the brain and strengthening of the skeleton of the baby. In addition, the minerals contained in the fish in a fairly large amount, have a beneficial effect on the sleep of the newborn.

Meanwhile, many are worried about the question, whether it is possible for breastfeeding mothers to eat fried white fish? From this dish at the time of feeding the baby is better to give up. Since the roasting of white fish takes more than 15 minutes, all the useful substances contained in it, have time to collapse, which means that this product will not benefit. It is much better and more useful to cook a fish for a couple.

Can I breastfeed my salted red fish?

Eating red fish with breastfeeding is quite dangerous, because it has a fairly high allergic potential. However, if a young mother has never suffered from allergies in her life, it is worth trying to eat some red fish to see the child's reaction.

However, its use in salted form is not recommended for nursing, because it negatively affects the work of the kidneys, both mother and baby.

Can breastfeeding mothers eat smoked and dried fish?

These foods are prohibited during the breastfeeding of the baby. They not only do not do any good, but they can also damage your health. Dried fish contains too much salt, and its use entails an excessive strain on the kidneys.

Smoked fish generally contains a large number of carcinogens, and, in addition, it does not destroy all parasites, due to insufficient heat treatment.