Tuberculosis of the spine

Tuberculosis of the spine is a pathology that most often develops in patients suffering from a pulmonary form of tuberculosis. Favorable conditions for this are the following factors:

Mycobacterium tuberculosis with blood flow from the primary focus penetrates the vertebral body, where active development and reproduction begin. As a result, a so-called tubercular tubercle is formed, in the decay of which a necrotic focus remains. Necrotic foci gradually destroys the cortical layer, after which - the intervertebral disc, and then passes to the adjacent vertebrae. Most often, tuberculosis affects the vertebrae of the thoracic region, more rarely - the lumbar and cervical.

Symptoms of tuberculosis of the spine

Symptomatology of the disease depends largely on the degree of damage to the vertebrae and surrounding tissues. Patients may note the following symptoms:

Diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis

The main diagnostic method in this case is the X-ray study. More modern methods of diagnosis of spinal tuberculosis - MRI and CT (magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography ). Also, sometimes a biopsy is used - bone tissue sampling for microbiological examination.

Is tuberculosis of the spine contagious or not?

Due to the fact that in most patients this disease develops against the background of an active form of pulmonary tuberculosis, they are spreaders of the infection. In rare cases, when the primary infectious focus is in the spine, the possibility of getting infected from such patients is very small.

Treatment of tuberculosis of the spine

The main method of treatment in this case is medication, and the duration of taking antituberculous drugs can be about a year. Patients are shown a long-term immobilization followed by restorative measures. In severe cases, surgical intervention is prescribed.

Prognosis for tuberculosis of the spine

With timely detection and adequate treatment, the prognosis of the disease is favorable. Otherwise, the probability of serious complications increases, which can lead to disability and even death.