The child wakes up at night and cries

Often the parents of small children face the problem of restless sleep in their babies. As a result, mothers do not get enough sleep at night, are perplexed and lost in conjecture: is this behavior a neurological deviation or a variant of the norm? Let's find out what could be connected with the fact that a child often wakes up at night and cries.

Why does a child cry at night?

At once we will make a reservation, that the given information concerns babies from a birth and till 3-3,5 years. If the child is already 4 years old or more, and he still cries at night without a reason, this may be a different kind of problem.

So, often the reason for a bad night's sleep are the so-called insomnia - problems with falling asleep and maintaining a continuous sleep during the night. At the same time, a child, it happens, does not even wake up, but sobs in a half-sleep, as if checking whether the parents are near. If the baby is immediately reassured, just stroking the head, he immediately falls asleep, reassured by the attention given. If the parents do not approach the whining sleepy crumb, he can really cry, down to hysteria, and it will be quite difficult to calm him down.

But often mothers, used to the first call of the child to take him in the arms of the day, act the same way at night. This is not entirely correct, because kids quickly get used to this pattern of behavior and in the future, waking up at night, will ask for their hands to fall asleep in the usual conditions. If possible, as little as possible to communicate with a crumb at night, so as not to disturb his peace and not create such "bad habits." Instead, give him your love and tenderness in the daytime.

Another cause of this behavior of the child are sleep disorders caused by night feeding. Children older than 6 months already do not have the physiological need to eat at night, but it is the dependence on breast sucking or a bottle with the mixture that causes the crumb to wake up every 3-4 hours and cry. Overcome this habit will be a gradual transition to a new ritual of falling asleep, when evening feeding takes place before laying for 30-40 minutes.

Often babies wake up at night, if they are disturbed by colic or cutting teeth. Usually, these problems are easy to recognize: colic torturing children from birth to about 3 months and give characteristic symptoms. With them, it is easy to cope with the use of drugs for the treatment and prevention of infant colic. If the toddles are chopped, you will be helped by a special gel, which removes inflammation and soothes the gum.

Much less often the reason that a child does not sleep well, gets up and cries at night, neurological pathologies turn out . In particular, this change in muscle tone or increased excitability. In this case, a bad dream is a consequence of these diseases, having cured which, you will gradually establish a normal sleep. To confirm this connection and diagnoses, a visit to a pediatric neurologist is recommended.