Speech development of children 2-3 years

If before the age of two the vast majority of babies simply remain silent or speak in separate words, alternating them with gestures, then after 24 months almost all children pronounce their first phrases and begin to actively apply them in speech. The expansion of the vocabulary and the development of communication skills at this time is simply a leap forward.

Those parents who spend a lot of time with the child, notice that every day the number of words that he uses, is growing steadily, and to communicate with him becomes much more interesting. In this article, we will tell you which criteria are used to evaluate and diagnose the speech development of children 2-3 years, and in what cases can we talk about the lag of the baby from the norm.

Norms and features of speech development of children 2-3 years

Normally, by the end of the second year of life, a boy or girl should use at least 50 words in his active speech, and this figure is a kind of indicator of the child's lag behind the accepted norms. Meanwhile, in practice, most children speak much more - on average, their vocabulary consists of 300 separate words. By the end of this period, that is, by the time when the crumb turns 3 years old, he usually freely uses about 1500 words or even a little more.

With the appearance of the first phrases in the speech of the baby, parents can notice that the words in them are not grammatically related yet. This is quite natural, because the child takes time to learn how to fully express their thoughts. In the third year of life, the baby begins to gradually introduce into the active speech all kinds of verbs, adjectives, adverbs and conjunctions, and only a little later correctly build relationships between them in terms of grammar.

Pronouncing a small child between the ages of 24 and 36 months is also significantly different from adults. Many of the sounds he utters too gently, some of them are replaced by others or even misses. As a rule, during this period, most children face the difficulty of pronouncing the sound of "P", as well as whistling and hissing. Nevertheless, if parents have a lot and often communicate with the child, he will learn their pronunciation day by day and very quickly learn to speak correctly.

To speech development of the baby in 2-3 years was in accordance with the norm, it is necessary to constantly talk with him and talk about any subjects, who are in sight, other children, famous animals, past and future events, and so on. However, do not forget that you are communicating with a small child, so any stories for him should be brief and simple, without difficult descriptions and reasoning.

Finally, in the education of children it is very important to use such works of Russian folklore as nursery rhymes, chastushki and jokes. Those parents who accompany all the joint actions with the child with playful hints, very quickly notice that their child begins to speak well and clearly with full-fledged sentences.