New Year's crafts for school

In winter, schools decorate rooms for holidays, hold exhibitions and competitions of thematic works. Children actively participate in the process and have the opportunity to express their imagination. Independently or with the help of parents, schoolchildren are preparing crafts on the theme of the New Year for the school. It is worthwhile to find several interesting product variants in advance, so that the creative process will be remembered for a long time by the young master.

New Year's articles for primary school

Before offering the child the idea of ​​creativity, it is necessary to assess how much it corresponds to the age of the student and his abilities. A first-grader will use a simpler version, but he can do it independently. For example, you can make Santa Claus out of paper. For this you need the following materials:


  1. From the cardboard you need to make a cylinder and staple it with a stapler.
  2. From a yellow paper it is necessary to cut out poluoval and to paste to the top part of the cylinder. This will be the face of Santa Claus.
  3. Next, stick a white beard.
  4. Now we need to cut out a small circle of yellow paper, this will be the nose of the grandfather. Attach the part with foamed tape.
  5. Then it's time to make eyes: cut out white paper circles, draw on them black pupils and paste on the workpiece.
  6. A black strip should be glued around the cylinder approximately in its middle, this will be the belt. For beauty, you need to make an orange buckle.
  7. From black paper, cut out the shoes, bend their upper part and paste them inside the cylinder.
  8. It will be necessary to cut out the red cap, attach it to the top of the cylinder. To supplement it follows a white pompon and a border.
  9. Next, you can draw a toy to draw a detail.

The younger guys are able to prepare and other original hand-made articles for the new year in school:

  1. Christmas trees with the use of different materials, for example, napkins, feathers, thread.
  2. Toys from salted dough.
  3. Unusual Christmas balls, which can be made from paper, from threads, from foam plastic blanks.

New Year's hand-made articles for high school students

Older children will like more complex works that may require a certain amount of time and skills. For example, you can create a spruce branch with a cone of corrugated paper. For work you will need:


  1. First, you need to prepare long strips of green paper. Now they should be cut into fringe. Each strip should be carefully twisted.
  2. Now pieces of wire should be wrapped in a twisted fringe, pre-greased with glue. Get a beautiful fir branch.
  3. To make a bump you need to cut off a strip of brown paper and wrap it as shown in the figures.
  4. The resulting blanks are folded so that the cones are obtained, their edge should be tightened with a thread.
  5. Now you can attach bumps to twigs, decorate with a bow.

It is also interesting to consider the ideas of New Year's crafts with their own hands for a school of natural cones:

  1. It will be interesting to look winter topiary.
  2. From cones you can prepare Christmas trees and wreaths.
  3. Spectacularly look balls of cones - such small and large New Year crafts with their own hands in the school will certainly attract attention.

Ideas for creativity can be limited only by imagination and possibilities, and also by the availability of free time. For activities, it is not necessary to buy expensive devices - fine jewelry and toys will come from natural, handy materials.