Practical Black Magic

Probably, there is no person who does not hear stories about a warlock or a magician who is familiar with practical black magic, spoiling, sickness and in every way harmful to people. Such rumor makes black magic and Satanism twins, although this is not entirely true. Yes, many rituals of the so-called practical black magic, look rather eerie, and they are all designed to inflict harm, but almost every one of them can serve different purposes. For example, you can harm a person to take money from him, and you can hurt him, defending himself from attack. Therefore, to say that black magic is a worship of Absolute Evil, it is impossible. By the way, the very separation of practical magic into white and black is the lot of amateurs, magic simply exists, it has no color. White and black can only be called a practitioner who uses magic to help others or for selfish purposes. Therefore, using some rites of black magic, a person does not automatically become a black magician, it's all about the goals he sets for himself.

Plots of black magic on the enemy

Of course, the most powerful methods of black magic are cemetery black magic spells, but they also enter into the category of the most dangerous. Therefore, to begin the magical practice with them is not worth it, it is better to try the simpler methods. You can go to the cemetery only after a long preparation and in case of extreme need.

  1. Black magic has many ways to punish the enemy, and the simplest is the following. Sprinkle salt under the threshold of your enemy and whisper a conspiracy: "It's not the salt I sow, but I put pain, I do not give, but I steal peace. Take away the demon, rest (name), so that he yearns and hurts with days and nights, with the moon and the sun . " Returning home, pour half a glass of water and light a candle, read until it goes out from the water: "As long as the sinner does not repent, my candle will be toiling." This way will condemn your enemy to failure in business, insomnia and confusion.
  2. With the help of black magic, you can punish the enemy with tears, for this you need him to take a handkerchief that you have conjured up. The conspiracy reads as follows: "As a cloud of black went from the east and howled howling, so would my enemy (name) sobbed, howled and grieved. Tears would pour, and wipe his handkerchief, more and more grim. Take my grief, until you are guilty. So be it . " If your words will have power, then the offender will soon ask you for forgiveness, as his conscience will torment him constantly.
  3. If someone constantly poisons your life, create problems for him so that he has something to do, instead of climbing into your life. At midnight, place a black cloth on the table, and place a magic mirror in the center of the table. Put a picture of the enemy so that it is reflected in the mirror. Curtains in the room must be pushed. Light a black candle and bring it to the enemy's reflection in the mirror. Drip wax on it and say: "I do not pour the wax out, but I close off your (name) name, do not wave my hands, did not speak with my mouth, did not walk with my feet, but did not carry me any harm. So be it . " The spell needs to be repeated 13 times, after which the mirror is placed reflective side on the black cloth of the table and is left there for 3 days. After the wax, gently scrape off and put in a metal jar. Melt the wax on fire, saying: "As the wax melts, so does your power (name) melt forever . " Now the bank should be buried where no one walks and, ramming the ground, drive in an aspen stake.

Not only plots of black magic on the enemy can help punish him, small disturbances (headache, loss of strength) can be created in another way. Imagine that from the inside of your palm comes a black lightning. Hold it and point to the enemy, imagine that as soon as lightning touched it, the transmission of energy (from him to you) began. Gradually, a black energy ball will gather in your hand, which is tightened to your hand. Once you do this, someone else's energy will be absorbed. To indulge in this method is not worth it, it can very quickly make a dependent energy vampire out of a person.

Black Magic Voodoo

Many associate the practice of black magic with voodoo rituals. Indeed, the magic of Voodoo is one of the most unexplained and mysterious methods of influencing a person. All rites are performed using a doll (volt), it is made of wax, which involves the hair (nails, blood, discharge) of the person to whom the effect is directed. You can sew a doll from a fabric. After manufacturing, the doll is called the same name as your foe. Now you can start a fortune.

  1. If you want to avenge the harm done, you need to put the volt in a bowl of earth or black pepper and set it on fire. In principle, you can do anything - prick with needles, cut, watered with vinegar. The result of the action depends to a large extent on the faith and will of the magician. In some cases, the doll is given a symbolic hanging near the place where the foe is working or living. And we must do this in a secluded place, so that nobody can take off the doll. You can also make a small incision on the doll and fill it with earth taken from the cemetery, death does not threaten the foe, but it can cause illness.
  2. To stop gossip (silence), you need to stuff your puppet's mouth with earth or black pepper, saying: "(Name) be silent . " If you put a piece of meat into the mouth of a rag doll and sew it with a gypsy needle, then the victim will lose the opportunity to clearly state his thoughts.

To conduct all the magical rituals you need in loose clothes without belts and fasteners, the hair should be dissolved. It must be remembered that magical rituals are not childish pranks, and therefore they must be produced only in case of emergency, when other methods can not give a result.