Achilles heel - the ancient Greek myth of Achilles

The phraseology of the "Achilles' heel" was presented to the world by the ancient Greeks. The legend of the youngest hero of the Trojan War, Achille, gave rise to the myth of his extraordinary courage and strange death due to an arrow in the heel. For centuries, this phraseology has acquired new interpretations and additions, today its explanation suggests several versions.

What is the Achilles' heel?

What does the "Achilles' heel" mean? Initially, this aphorism was deciphered, as a "weak point, a vulnerable place" of a person, was meant, both morally and physically. Over time, the expression received several more meanings:

  1. A character trait that spoils the life of others.
  2. Imperfection in the management of affairs.
  3. Hidden defect, manifested at the most unexpected moment.
  4. An insignificant feature that can become a threat to the overall important cause.

Sociologists even developed a stereotype such as the "Achilles heel of a modern enterprise". First in this sense, only flaws of the company were considered. In the modern format "Achilles' heel" - the meaning of phraseology includes such concepts:

  1. Weak location, which can lead to the liquidation of the enterprise.
  2. Bad employees or managers, whose actions jeopardize the work of the collective and the activities of the entire structure.

Where is the Achilles' heel?

In the medical reference book this expression also got its place, as a term. The Achilles heel is one of the strongest tendons in the human body, located above the heel. With its help, the triceps muscle of the shin is attached to the calcaneus and is one of the most injured areas. The emergence of pain in the Achilles' heel doctors associate with:

Who is Achilles?

Who is Achilles in Ancient Greece? Myth calls him the son of the sea goddess Thetis, who made the boy invulnerable, thanks to the fire and waters of Styx. The father of the hero was the king of the Marmidonian Peleus, who forbade his wife to so harden his son, and the goddess, in revenge, gave the child for the education of the centaur Chiron. When the war with Troy began, Thetis knew that Achilles would not return alive, tried to hide it, but the Greeks managed to entice the young man, knowing that without him they could not win.

In the Trojan War Achilles became famous in many battles, alone defeated the cities of Lyrness, Pedas and the homeland of Andromache of Thebes, Methimna on Lesbos. Defeated one of the main defenders of Troy Hector, although this victory, according to the prediction of the gods, was a harbinger of his own death. The ridiculous death of Achilles and created the expression "Achilles' heel", which turned into a symbol of a vulnerable place.

Myths of Ancient Greece - Achilles' heel

What myth of the ancient Greeks gave this idiom? This is a legend about one of the great heroes of Achilles, who is famous for his invulnerability. His mother, Thetis, according to one version, at night kept for quenching the baby on fire, and in the afternoon rubbed ambrosia. According to the second version, the goddess dipped the baby in the immortal waters of Styx, holding on to the heel, this place was left unprotected from the deadly wounds. Achilles was one of the youngest heroes of the battle for Troy, famous for his great courage.

When the Trojans began to suffer defeat, Apollo stood up for them and directed the defender of Troy Paris's arrow to the heel of Achilles, when he fired from the bow, standing on one knee. This wound in the only weak point became deadly to the hero. The Achilles' heel is a myth that also warns that excessive carelessness and self-confidence can be fraught with sad consequences.

Who defeated Achilles?

Myths preserved the name of the one who killed Achilles - one of the famous heroes of the Trojan War. Paris was the son of Hecuba and the king of Troy Priam, who was famous for his courage. His birth promised the death of Troy, and his father threw the baby on Mount Ide, but the baby did not die, she was raised by shepherds. When he grew up, he returned to his home, before having managed to subdue the goddess Aphrodite , recognizing her as the most beautiful. The Tsarevich unleashed the Trojan War, kidnapping Menelaus' wife Elena. Brave bravely on the walls of Troy. He was the one who hit Achilles on the heel and managed to hit the greatest hero of the Greeks.