Super Moon - influence on the person and his destiny

Astrology has always beckoned humanity, because it is one of the most unexplored sciences of our time. No matter how many scientists learn, secrets remain in greater numbers. The celestial phenomenon that influences man - the superunion - collects whole councils, on which its pluses and minuses are examined.

What is a super moon?

This rare phenomenon, which happens about once in 400 - 500 days, astrologers called the super moon. The moon, passing in its orbit, reaches the point closest to the earth, which is called Perigee. Due to the fact that the Earth's satellite is moving in an elliptical orbit, its distance from the planet is always different and during the Perigee and Full Moon periods we see a nightly mistress in a half, twice the average size. To date, astrologers do not have complete information about what a super moon means and what can be expected of it.

Why is the super moon going on?

In astrology, there is another formulation relevant to this process - this is Sizigia. This is the name of the phenomenon in which the center of the Earth, the Moon and the Sun are aligned in one line. If Perigee and Sisigia coincide, then the Moon approaches as close to the earth as possible and on such days its amazing dimensions can be seen with the naked eye. Even without knowing how the super moon looks, you can feel it. When a large moon appears, a person falls under the influence of a satellite and behaves differently.

As many scientists note, the super moon affects a person physically and morally. And if people are accustomed to deny everything and write off for fatigue, the animal world confirms this hypothesis in full. For example, as soon as Perigee is built in its line, all living beings of the planet begin to behave not as always. According to external data, they are noted for fatigue, drowsiness and lethargy.

Super Moon - Frequency

The exact answer is how often the superunion does not occur, because these phenomena are calculated according to a special formula, taking into account the period of Perigee's search for the nearest New Moon or Full Moon. The higher the requirements of proximity at Perigee, the less you can see the super moon. Thus, if you set a time gap with Perigee and Full Moon (or New Moon) for less than an hour, then the human species will see the great moon very rarely.

If you increase the time, the phenomenon will become more frequent, but the size of the moon will not be so large and beautiful and it's good that such a superlun effect on a person does not have any effect and passes unnoticed. So in 2014, the increase in the satellite was observed five times, but the size did not surprise anyone. For an active super moon, you need a longer period and a limited time period.

What is the super moon and its influence?

As it turned out, the superlun influence on a person is immediate. For some, this effect is not very significant, others may even have health problems. It is very difficult for these periods to be experienced by people suffering from sleepwalking. They have a sharp exacerbation of the disease and such cases are documented in practice. In general, the super moon can cause the following unpleasant symptoms:

If you know what the influence of man has on a person, you can avoid these symptoms. If possible, arrange for themselves on this day off, try not to be nervous and avoid conflict situations. Medical workers noted the regularity that more patients enter the hospital at Full Moon and New Moon than on regular days, not to mention the increased Moon.

Influence of the super moon on the psyche

It is believed that this period for the mentally ill people is very dangerous. The Super Moon and the state of health are very closely related, although it is difficult to prove from the scientific point of view. If we look more closely at the study of the biological clock, then it can be noted that all people in one way or another are dependent on the mistress of the night sky. Moon cycles control all processes of our planet and therefore can not bypass the people.

Even with its influence, the Moon can not seriously harm a person. These unintelligible symptoms people write off for poor health or weather conditions, but the mental state of people remains tense. If a person can not control himself and emotions, then during the periods of the big moon he will have to be difficult.

Super Moon - influence on people's behavior

Strangeness in the behavior of people are often found, but on a superloon such activity increases. Statistics confirm that these days a person becomes more diffused. The Great Moon increases the number of lost phones and purses, forgotten bags and even forgotten children. It is possible that this is how the influence of the superlun influence on man and this condition has been put to us by nature.

Super Moon and Headache

Migraines are the biggest problem with a big moon. Its influence goes directly to the human brain, to its inner sensations and thoughts, so even healthy people suffer from headaches during this phenomenon. In the superloon, the well-being of children and adults worsens a bit, especially for babies up to a year. On such nights they sleep badly, shout and refuse to eat.

The moon influences the change in atmospheric pressure and this gives rise to a malfunction in the body's habitual work. Many psychotherapists believe that this affects the intracranial box, especially this applies to people who have had head injuries. If the head is very ill with a completely healthy person, then it is not worth sinning on the moon, it is better to see a doctor.

The Influence of the Superunion on Destiny

Scientists can not with certainty prove that a large Moon somehow can change a person's destiny. This theory mostly refers to the magical principles, because many psychics, magicians and witches perform a large number of rituals on a superloon. By their giving on such a day you can not do important things and build great plans. They compare the danger of a super moon with magnetic storms and other natural phenomena.

Born in the Superloon

We can say that children born on the super moon should say thank you very much for such a confluence of circumstances. In these rare days, genius and clever people are born. Having a negative impact on the organism of the born person, the Moon gives newborns only positive qualities. Many great scientists were born on the super moon and some children are child prodigies. Do not think that all children will be a copy of Socrates, but they will be presented with some unique data. Those born on the super moon have the following character traits :

What is dangerous superluny?

If we consider that in general the state of people under the Superunion is depressed, on such days more crimes are committed. People can not control their behavior and start making irreparable mistakes. The Moon has the strongest influence on the mentally ill, and these days they are capable of unjustified aggression. But most of all you need to know what the super moon is threatening people suffering from sleepwalking. For history, the following main cases of their behavior were noticed:

  1. Standard sleepwalking. Moving on a residential premise without harm to others.
  2. Aggressive sleepwalking. It is also a move along a room or street, but already with the goal of harming people or animals.
  3. Suicide during sleepwalking.

Although such cases are very rare, they still had a place. All facts are imprinted with history and serve as an example of the fact that this sphere of our life has not been fully researched. Lunar cycles, although partially controlled by people, but all these processes live their own lives, so at these times it is worth to be more attentive to your loved ones.

Super Moon and Earthquake

Our planet is reverent to all the lunar cycles, the positions of satellites and stars in the sky. And it all affects her no less than a person. The consequences of the superunion easily causes the strongest cataclysms and more than once such situations occurred on Earth. Therefore, scientists carefully monitor the location of the planets, stars and satellite, so as not to miss Perigee. The moon can award the planet with the following cataclysms:

Often after a super moon in some parts of the planet, scientists manage to record the average power of tremors. Almost every one of his appearance, the Moon worries the planet, although so far and not much. Plus, the visible sign from the sky can prepare people for possible destruction, as Anthony Gray once predicted a strong earthquake in New Zealand.

What can not be done on a super moon?

Due to the fact that the emotional state of the greater half of humanity on such days is a bit unbalanced, it is worth giving up alcohol. In alcoholic intoxication is committed more than 70% of crimes in the super moon. It is desirable to avoid conflict situations and in general, if you feel irritable, try to take sedatives. The period of the superlun is fraught with many mysteries and riddles and until we solve each, a person can not tolerate this phenomenon calmly.