Kalatea - dry and curled leaves

Some house plants attract florists not with their flowers, but with bizarre patterns on green shoots. These include kalateya. This perennial ornamental plant has appeared in our country from the hot countries of Central and South America.

If the kalatei dry and twist the leaves, then this is a sure sign of improperly organized care of the flower . For the flower growers who are going to start cultivating this tropical flower for the first time at home, it is just necessary to become acquainted with the possible causes of this problem and how it can be remedied.

Why do kalatei dry and twist the leaves?

A distinctive feature of kalatei are wide dense leaves with an interesting white pattern. In the daytime they are scattered in different directions, and at night they rise upward, as if closing themselves. But if they twisted into a tube during the day and their edges began to dry up, it means that the flower was ill. It can be connected with:

Seeing the leaves of the kalatei twisted, you need to quickly find a way to save it, otherwise this green beauty can die.

What if the leaves dry with kalatei?

When growing kalatei at home, it is very important to adhere to all the recommendations for caring for it. But, if, nevertheless, the leaves twisted and lost their elasticity, then it is worth acting like this:

  1. Check for drafts in the place where the kalathea is. This can be done with a candle (on the motion of the flame) and using a thermometer (the temperature will be lower).
  2. Check that during the day on the leaves of the flower did not fall direct sunlight, this she really does not like. If so, find a different place for it, but it should be well lit, otherwise the leaves will still dry.
  3. Measure the humidity in the room. If the room is dry or too stuffy, that the flower will feel bad. In this case, it is necessary to regularly ventilate, while rearranging the kalathey away from the draft, and daily not only water the soil, but also spraying the leaves or wiping them with a wet soft cloth or napkin.
  4. The air temperature is also very important for this flower. Optimum for him is from + 18 ° С to 25 ° С. If this is not the case, then the kalathey must be urgently moved to a place with suitable conditions for it.
  5. Twisting of leaves and their drying after a sharp change in the room air temperature or after the rearrangement, it is not dangerous, if the flower immediately organize the optimal growing conditions, regular spraying and top dressing.
  6. Pay attention to the watering mode. Kalatea poorly tolerates waterlogging and lack of moisture in the soil. She loves when the soil in the pot is a little wet. Only in winter should reduce the number of watering and letting the land dry out at half the height of the pot.

Also it is worth noting that kalatea can get sick not only in cases that were described earlier, but also in the immediate vicinity of the technique from which radiation and dry air emanate (for example: TV, computer, microwave).

Proceeding from all the above, it can be concluded that in order that the kalatei do not twist and do not dry up the leaves, it is necessary to take a very responsible attitude to the choice of a point for its location in your dwelling. If you choose a place that meets its requirements, even this capricious plant will always delight you with its decorative greenery, and some species also with flowering.