9 month of pregnancy

As you know, the 9th calendar month of pregnancy is the final stage of the gestational period. This time interval is the most exciting for the future mother, because until the main event of the whole pregnancy there is very little time left. Let's take a closer look at the 9th month of pregnancy, tell about the sensations, determine: from what week it starts, and what changes occur at this time.

How does the expectant mother feel in 9 months?

Before telling about the state of health of a pregnant woman at this time, it must be said that in the obstetric weeks this period is 36, and 9 months begin with 33 weeks of gestation. Thus, the woman before the appearance of the baby in the light according to the calculations of doctors is still 4 weeks. However, in practice, labor can be observed already at 38-39 weeks, especially when it comes to re-breeding. Let us remind you that a child who was born in the term of 37-40 weeks is termed a term.

The abdomen at 9 months of pregnancy in volume and shape looks like a large watermelon. The bottom of the uterus is set at a level of 35-40 cm above the bosom. It is with this fact, first of all, that the sensations of the pregnant woman are connected.

Because the uterus occupies all the free space in the abdominal cavity, its bottom strongly presses against the diaphragm. As a result, quite often at the end of pregnancy, women face shortness of breath and difficulty breathing (there is a feeling of lack of air). Typically, this feeling is present throughout the ninth month. Only 2-3 weeks before the onset of labor, when the belly falls, the woman notes an improvement in her health.

In view of the fact that free space in the abdomen is limited, the organs in it, in particular, related to the digestive system, change their position. That's why quite often at this time, pregnant women face heartburn. To prevent this from happening, nutrition at 9 months of pregnancy should be given great attention. In the diet should be absent fried foods, smoking, salting. Useful for the future mother will be dairy products, boiled meat, fresh vegetables.

As for changes in the body of a pregnant woman, by the end of the 9th month of pregnancy, the placenta begins to reduce the synthesis of hormones, primarily progesterone. In response, the body synthesizes a larger amount of the hormone oxytocin, which contributes to an increase in the tone of uterine myometrium, and thereby provokes an early onset of the birth process.

The blood system of a woman at this time begins to actively produce more red blood cells. Thus, the body is prepared for possible blood loss during childbirth.

What changes undergoes the fetus at 9 months of pregnancy?

The baby's body is actively preparing for birth. Thus, changes in the respiratory system are noted: a substance such as surfactant begins to be synthesized, the highest concentration of which is observed by week 36. It is necessary for the spread of the lungs at the first inspiration after birth. At the same time, there is improvement in the work of internal organs and systems.

As for weight gain, during this period the fruit can add 15-30 grams per day. At the same time, the length of its body reaches 45-47 cm by the end of the month.

What are the difficulties that a pregnant woman may face in the 9th month?

In view of the fact that the stomach at this time is large, future mothers think about how to properly sleep on the 9th month of pregnancy. The only acceptable position for sleeping and rest is the position on the left side.

Also, often at 9 months of pregnancy, the future mother complains that her stomach hurts. In such cases it is very important to understand the cause of the pain. If the pain is mild, noisy, localized in the lower abdomen and occur only periodically, it is most likely due to the discrepancy of the joint of the small pelvis. So the body is preparing for the forthcoming birth.

If the pain has a pronounced character, arises from attacks, with time increases, then in such cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. Perhaps this is caused by an increased tone of the uterus, which requires medical supervision. As a rule, these women are placed in a hospital.