34 most strange canned products

Do you think that a hamburger in a can is very strange ?! Then you just have not seen anything yet.

1. Unicorn Meat

The Irish manufacturer promises magic in every piece.

2. Porcine brains

And not simple, but in milky gravy!

3. Black bread in a tin can

4. Canned sweet sandwiches

5. Cheeseburger

6. Ground opossum with vegetable sauce

The marsupial rat is very popular among the inhabitants of Latin America. They say that thanks to opossum Latinos are so temperamental and passionate.

7. Canned muffins

8. Just breakfast

9. Snack from eel in jelly

10. Omelet in powder

11. Frog legs in hot sauce

12. Canned larvae of the silkworm

13. Whitlacoche Corn Truffle

True, in Russia this mushroom is called ergot and is classified as a dangerous pest. But in Mexico, since the time of the Aztecs, the corn truffle is considered an exquisite delicacy, despite its unattractive appearance.

14. Meat of the armadillo

In South America, this unusual animal is called a piglet in a shell.

15. Pizza "Kam", not "Spam"

Tin can in shape and color is very similar to the packaging from the world famous canned meat "Spam", which was sold so aggressively that it turned into a household name.

16. Natural Squid

17. Mysterious meat

The package simply says "liver", but the manufacturer did not admit, whose it is.

18. Green bacon

19. Shark fin soup

20. Fish balls

21. Moose in its own juice

22. Canned chicken ... or not a chicken ?!

23. The phallic trio from Heinz

Interestingly, it also refers to baby food?

24. Spicy wings in a jar

25. Smoked rattlesnake

It is written that it is very tasty.

26. Canned sheep's tongues

27. Bamboo worms

By the way, these worms are on the first place in the list of delicious dishes from insects.

28. Sweet chicken

29. Canned boar

30. Jelly from the grass

They say it's very refreshing.

31. Reindeer in the bank

32. Alligator in the Kajun way

33. Fish ass

Manhattan style - for real gourmets))

34. 12 canned dishes in one jar

When you are already nothing you will not be surprised!