17 unusual ways to use banana peel, which will surprise you

Do you like bananas? Then this information is for you, as it turns out that not only the flesh benefits, but also the peel, which can be used in many ways. Believe me, many ideas will surprise you.

Bananas are the most popular exotic fruits in our country. At the same time, few people, enjoying the sweet pulp, know what can be useful skin, and in most cases it is in the trash can. Believe me, after learning the popular lifhaki, you will never throw a banana peel in the garbage. Do not doubt, although at first glance many of the tips look strange, they are, according to numerous reviews, effective.

1. To relieve itching and redness

Warm summer evenings are often overshadowed by mosquitoes, which bite discomfort. In shops you can buy a lot of different means, but this, whatever one may say, is chemistry, and it is difficult to call it "useful". An excellent alternative is the banana peel. The itching place is covered with an inner soft side, and relief can be felt almost immediately. This is explained by the presence of a polysaccharide, which, penetrating the skin, relieves swelling and inflammation. Banana peel will also help with the bite of other insects.

2. For fertilizing

The most common and simple way to use peel from bananas is to send it to the compost pile. It will add to the fertilizer potassium and phosphorus, which are important for the development of the root system and the general condition of the plant. It is important to consider that good compost should include many components, so use bananas dosed.

3. To combat aphids

Aphids love plants, not only in the house, but also in the garden. To get rid of insects you can use bananas, you need to take 2-3 peels and deepen them to the ground at the base of the plant by 2 cm. There are a lot of potassium in the fruit, which does not like not only aphids, but also ants. This simple procedure will help quickly get rid of annoying insects.

4. For skin care

To care for the skin of the face, you do not need to spend huge sums, because the good results are also provided by folk remedies. The banana peel contains natural fruit acids and nutrients, which have a moisturizing, nourishing and exfoliating effect. With regular application, you can give the skin softness and radiance. Some women who have tested this method say that they have decreased the number of fine wrinkles. It's very simple: take the rind of a ripe banana, cut it into pieces and massage their face, rubbing the contents of the soft side. Doing this procedure is worth every day.

5. To preserve the juiciness of the chicken breast

Many complain that it is difficult to prepare a fillet juicy, and rarely anyone can get it done at the highest level. There is an unexpected trick that will help solve this problem: put the meat in a frying pan or in the oven, and cover it with a banana peel. Beforehand, be sure to wash it by removing the wax coating. As a result, we will get a certain barrier that will not allow the meat to lose its juice. In addition, bananas will add an unusual flavor to the dish. Try to do so, and the result will really surprise.

6. To remove ink stains from the skin

The most "harmful" are the stains left from the handle on the hands. With them it is difficult to cope with traditional methods, but the ordinary peel of a banana will easily solve the problem. Dirty contaminated area inside the skin. You will be surprised, but the spot will disappear right before your eyes. This result is possible due to the fact that the oils contained in the peel will absorb the ink.

7. To get rid of warts

In folk medicine, there are many different ways to remove from the body a wart and a papilloma. For example, you can use the peel of a banana, which will gradually cope with this cosmetic defect. It's very simple: for the night apply a piece of peel to the wart, fixing it with plaster, or just before bedtime rub it with a problem place.

8. To repair disks

Although many do not already use discs, some people still have important information on them. There are times when the surface of the disc is scratched, and there are problems with viewing information on it. To fix the problem, you just rub the scratched surface with the soft side of the peel. Flesh and wax fill the cracks without damaging the product and the information on it. Residues should be removed using a soft cloth moistened in a glass cleaner. You will have to polish the disk and check its operation.

9. To prepare a healthy decoction

The banana peel contains many useful substances that are important for health. On its basis, you can prepare a decoction and add it to compote, juice or smoothies to increase their nutritional value. Wash the peel, cut it into pieces and boil it in boiling water for 10 minutes. After this, strain and cool.

10. For catching insects

Many people are familiar with the situation when, over a bowl of fruit, startling fruit flies begin to circulate. A simple trap will help to get rid of them, for which you need to take a jar with a lid, a hammer, a small nail and peel from the banana. In the lid, make a few holes using a nail and a hammer. Inside the jars, put the rind and close the container. Put it next to a bowl of fruit. A sweetish fragrance attracts Simuliidae, which will make their way into the container, and it will be very difficult for them to get out of it.

11. To remove a splinter

Quickly and painlessly getting a splinter is not an easy task. In this situation, various tricks will help, for example, you can attach a piece of banana skin to the wound. To make it as tight as possible to the skin, fix it with adhesive tape or tape. Leave everything for half an hour, and during this time the enzymes that enter into the fruit will stretch the splinter onto the surface of the skin, so it will be very easy to get it. In addition, the banana will help to speed up the healing process of the wound formed.

12. For feeding animals

Buying bananas, you can solve two problems at once: treat yourself to delicious and feed livestock. In the food of chickens, rabbits and pigs, you can add dried banana peel. It is important to remove the stickers beforehand, wash thoroughly to remove the coating, and send to drying.

13. For the care of indoor plants

There are many folk ways of caring for plants. If they began to look dull, then you can give the leaves shine with a banana. Note that this method is not suitable for all plants. Inside the skin peel off the leaves, which will help to remove the dust, and thanks to the presence of oils, make the surface shiny. Useful for pot plants and fruit, which is part of the fruit.

14. For polishing silver

After a while, any piece of silver loses its luster and becomes dull. To restore the original look, use the peel of the banana. It should be ground with the addition of a small amount of water with a blender to form a mixture that is similar in consistency with toothpaste. After this, take a soft cloth, take on it a little finished mass and polish silver. Remains only to wash off the remains of a banana and polish the surface with a soft cloth to restore shine.

15. For teeth whitening

Teeth whitening in the clinic is not a cheap pleasure, so people are looking for a more affordable alternative. According to the reviews, the banana peel is coping well with the task. The procedure looks very simple: every day for two minutes you need to rub your teeth inside the skin. It is important to do this carefully, as with a brush during normal cleaning. Cleansing of the surface of the teeth is due to the presence in the fruit of salicylic and citric acid, which break up the plaque and have a bleaching effect. The procedure is safe, since the risk of enamel damage is completely ruled out.

16. For homemade vinegar

On the basis of the peel, you can make a delicious homemade vinegar that will have a sour and slightly bitter-sweet taste, and it will also be useful. It can be used, for example, as an ingredient for delicious dressings for salads and marinades. To make a large cut slice the skin and pour 9% vinegar. Insist for a minimum of nine days, as a result, get a 6% banana vinegar.

17. For the care of leather shoes

Ugly cracks spoil the look of leather shoes, but do not rush into the store for expensive cream, because the situation will help fix the favorite fruit. In bananas, there is a natural wax and oils that help to achieve a good result when polishing shoes, and potassium is an important substance in skin care. Believe me, after the first procedure you will be surprised by the result.