Lime flowers - useful properties for treatment and rejuvenation

Since ancient times, fragrant linden flowers are used not only for making delicious tea, but also in folk medicine and cosmetology. It is important to know the features of the collection, drying and storage of raw materials, so that the maximum of useful substances remains in it.

Lime flowers - chemical composition

Through numerous experiments, scientists have proved that there are about 120 active substances in the lime flowers. Lime blossom is a storehouse of vitamins A , C, PP, K and Group B, and trace elements, for example, contain calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. Even in it there are tannins, bitterness, flavonoids, saponins, saccharides and essential oils. Due to the presence of phytoncides, the flowers have antibacterial action. There were found in it a natural antibiotic salicylate.

How to collect and dry lime flowers?

Flowering begins in June and when most inflorescences unfold you can move on to harvesting for the winter. Please note that in warm weather this period lasts approximately 10 days, and in a cool one - about 14 days. There are several recommendations on how to collect a lime color correctly:

  1. You can not disrupt the inflorescence near highways, plants and other contaminated sites. It is better to poison for a linden outside the city in the forest.
  2. If the inflorescences are dark or they were attacked by pests or some diseases, then you do not need to rip them off.
  3. It is not recommended to collect lime flowers after rain or after fog. It is better to do this at noon, when the flowers are fully opened.
  4. Note that when the linden begins to fade, it is impossible to collect inflorescences, because after drying they will crumble.

It is important to dry flowers properly, for this purpose, spread them with a layer about 3 cm thick under a canopy or in the oven, but note that the temperature should be 40-45 ° C. In the open air, the drying time is 2-3 days. From time to time, always stir flowers to make them dry all around. Keep dry inflorescences can be in bags of paper or tissue bags. Keep them in a dry and dark place and then the useful properties will last up to two years.

Lime flowers - medicinal properties

Already from a wide range of chemicals, it is clear that the lime color is useful for the body and the main properties include:

  1. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence of ascorbic acid and other active substances. Broths and infusions struggle with inflammation, swelling and pain.
  2. Sedative action determines the effectiveness of lime flowers for insomnia, stress, overwork and other problems with the nervous system.
  3. Antimicrobial action makes linden flowers a strong antiseptic, due to which it is possible to cope with pathogenic microorganisms. Broths are used to rinse the throat and mouth for bronchitis, tracheitis and laryngitis.
  4. Expectorant action helps in a short time to cope with a cough. Finding out how useful a lime color, it is worth mentioning its effectiveness in the treatment of respiratory problems.
  5. Spasmolytic action relaxes smooth muscles and helps reduce pain in the stomach, kidneys and genitals.
  6. Toning action improves metabolism and increases the speed of movement of blood.

To feel on yourself all the useful properties of lime color, you need to properly prepare tea. For this purpose, consider the following rules:

  1. It is recommended to use a porcelain or ceramic kettle for brewing.
  2. Fill inflorescences with hot water, but not with boiling water, which can destroy a large number of nutrients.
  3. Take into account the proportion, which is 1 tbsp. spoon inflorescences should take 1 tbsp. liquid.
  4. The duration of infusion of tea is 20-25 minutes.

Lime color from coughing

People have long used tea based on flowers during colds to speed recovery. It is due to the fact that the drink reduces the intensity and frequency of cough, dilutes sputum and removes inflammatory processes. The benefit of linden flowers lies in its ability to effectively clean the respiratory tract, improve metabolic processes and activate the body's immune forces. If you drink tea with honey, you can speed up the healing process.

Flowers of lime from cholesterol

Many properties of lime color are important for the vascular system, since it has flavonoids, which counteract the fragility of the vessels and increase their elasticity. Describing the usefulness of lime flowers, it is worth mentioning the presence of phytosterols, due to which the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced. There are saponins in this product that promote the washing away of cholesterol. Infusion, prepared on the basis of lime, has an antispasmodic effect.

Lime flowers from toxins in the body

In the human body, toxins accumulate throughout life, for example, due to poor ecology and malnutrition. Doctors recommend regular cleaning using natural means. Tincture on linden blossoms effectively copes with this task, removing toxins from the body, which has a positive effect on the activity of the intestine and improves overall well-being.

Lime flowers with menopause and tides

Scientists have determined that the estrogens contained in the inflorescences are closest in composition to those produced by the ovaries. Finding out what is useful for lime flowers for women, it is worth pointing out that he saves from vasomotor manifestations and excessive sweating. Has a decoction and infusion soothing effect, so it relieves insomnia and nervousness. You can make tea from lime flowers or use them for healing baths.

Lime blossom in cosmetology

Many plants, thanks to their medicinal properties, are widely used for cosmetic purposes and linden flowers are no exception. For those who are interested in, from which the lime blossom helps, it is important to know that it can be used for both hair care and skin care.

  1. Helps remove slag and toxins from the epidermis, so that the face looks more fresh and healthy.
  2. You can cope with the dryness of the skin and reduce the activity of the glands that produce sebum, which relieves fatty gloss and inflammation.
  3. It is an excellent antimicrobial and antiseptic agent, so infusions and decoctions are used to get rid of rashes.
  4. A rich composition determines the protection from the negative influence of the environment.
  5. Activates the process of skin regeneration and promotes rejuvenation.
  6. Lime flowers in cosmetology are used to strengthen the roots and stop falling out.
  7. Regular use of decoctions and infusions gives hair shine and strength. You can cope with split ends and brittleness.

Flower linden for hair

Broth, prepared from lime-colored, can be used by owners of any type of hair, and do not be afraid of any negative consequences. Apply fake hair color to the hair 1-2 times a week and after 2-4 sessions you will see an unsurpassed result. Experts recommend using a decoction for at least a month, as a result of which the structure of the hair will change and the curls will become healthy and well-groomed. It is important to know how to brew a lime blossom in order to maintain maximum benefit.



  1. Mix the ingredients in a thermos or other container, but then close the lid and warm it. Insist for at least an hour.
  2. After that, on high heat, boil the infusion for a few minutes, and then let it cool and strain.
  3. After washing, rinse your hair. Note that storing the broth is not recommended, since useful substances are lost.

Lime flowers for skin

There is a huge amount of cosmetic products prepared on the basis of linden flowers. Among the most effective are the following options:

  1. As a detergent, it is recommended to hold steam trays of linden. To do this, connect a handful of inflorescences with hot water and hold your face over the steam for 5 minutes, covering yourself with a towel.
  2. You can use linden color from wrinkles, making ice from it. Pour a large spoonful of flowers 1 tbsp. boil, persist, strain, pour into molds and send to the freezer. Wipe your face with ice every day, which will help to cope with shallow wrinkles.
  3. With dry skin, you can make an infusion, for example, according to the recipe presented above. In the finished product, moisten the tissue napkin and apply it on the face for 2-3 minutes. After that, apply one more napkin and so on up to five times. You can alternate a napkin, moistened in a warm and cold tincture.

Flowers linden for weight loss

People who want to lose weight, as an additional tool can use tea from a lime-colored. It has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, so you can cleanse the body of excess fluid. Lime flowers for weight loss are useful, because they have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and improve metabolism. Drinking freshly prepared tea is on an empty stomach. It is recommended to add to the drink flowers of chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow or black elderberry . It is important that the drink is infused for 40 minutes.

Lime color - contraindications

It is important when taking folk remedies to consider that they are not only useful, but in some cases can be dangerous to health.

  1. Doctors advise drinking tea, cooked on the basis of lime color, in moderate amounts.
  2. Properties of lime color are dangerous for people who have poor blood coagulation, because it is able to dilute it actively.
  3. Do not forget that some people have a possible individual intolerance to the product.