Black caviar is good and bad

Black caviar is a caviar of fish of the sturgeon family: stellate sturgeon, thorn, beluga, sturgeon, which is mined in the Azov and Caspian seas, in the provinces of China and in the lower reaches of the Danube. It is the rarest natural product, so priceless for the human body. Even during the reign of kings and boyars, black caviar was a favorite treat for both poor people and the rich. Because of the constant catch of sturgeon, they were on the verge of extinction, which led to the high cost of this product.

Artificial black caviar

In the last century, in the 1970s, Soviet scientists set out to create a simulation of natural black caviar. In our time, this artificial caviar is considered a cheap alternative to natural products, but with it, in addition to appearance, it has absolutely nothing in common. The main parameters of natural caviar imitation only partially correspond. For its production is used the protein of chicken eggs, gelatin , meat of fish of herring species, salt and food colorings. Artificial black caviar with a natural similar only to taste and does not bear the benefit and harm of black caviar natural.

Useful properties of black caviar

It has long been proven the benefits of black caviar for the body. It does not cause allergic reactions, has anti-inflammatory effect. Due to its nutritional value (because the caviar contains useful, not empty calories , which make it several times more useful than meat), it will benefit the sick and weakened people. Black caviar has a positive effect on the body with reduced immunity, ischemic heart disease, poor vision. With its frequent use, it is able to prevent heart attacks and strokes. For elderly people and children, the benefits of black caviar are that it stimulates blood circulation, increases mental capacity, and gives strength. Thanks to it, the vessels become more elastic, as a result, pressure jumps are prevented. The benefits of black caviar are also proved in disorders of the nervous system, in the presence of tumors in the body.

Harm of black caviar

Harm to the body, black caviar can inflict only when its excessive use, but given its cost is very difficult to achieve an overdose. To damage health black caviar can and in case it was stored incorrectly. Buy it better in a glass container. With care to this product should be treated pregnant women, nursing mothers and children up to three years.