Stone in the ureter - symptoms

Stones in the ureter are usually called saline formations that can get stuck along the way from the kidney. Most often they stay in the narrowest places, for example, at the exit from the pelvis. The presence of such formations provokes atrophy of muscle fibers, tissue degeneration, which causes a number of other diseases, such as pyelonephritis, cystitis. Stones can injure the ureter, and thereby aggravate the situation. Do not hope that the problem itself will be solved, because the ailment is serious enough and requires adequate treatment. It is useful to know some information about the stones in the ureter, as well as their symptoms.

Causes of the disease

It is important to know what exactly the disease can cause, since such information will help to take care of prevention. The main risk factors for stone formation include:

Still it is necessary to consider, that the heredity plays not the last role.

Signs of a stone in the ureter

The main symptom of the disease is colic, which is usually accompanied by chills, high fever. The pain begins in the lower back, then goes into the side and bottom of the abdomen. The symptoms of the stone in the ureter include that women feel pain in the labia, and in men in the testicles. Colic begins suddenly and can last for hours, while abating and renewing. In general, the symptoms and treatment of stone in the ureter in women and men are the same. Another thought about the disease should push the following symptoms:

Sometimes it happens that the stone from the ureter leaves on its own, with all the symptoms passing. But do not wait for it, but it is better to seek medical help, in case of strong colic, it is recommended to call an ambulance.