Sesame Seed - Useful Properties and Contraindications

Sesame seeds are very juicy and a favorite culinary additive. The sesame seed is also popular in medicine due to its useful properties and contraindications. These fruits can be used to treat various ailments. And due to their excellent taste qualities they can safely be considered one of the most delicious medicines.

Useful properties of sesame seeds

Seeds of sesame are rich in oils, containing in their composition acids - organic, saturated, polyunsaturated fatty - glycerol esters, triglycerides. They contain a substance called sesamin, a very powerful antioxidant. Sesame seed also consists of:

To extract the maximum benefit for women from sesame seeds, it needs to be soaked or slightly warmed up. On sale there is a large amount of fried sesame. Such grains are more pleasant to taste, but there are very few useful components after heat treatment.

What are the useful properties of sesame seeds can be used for healing?

  1. Sesame contributes to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  2. Grains favorably affect the work of the nervous system, soothe with stress, raise the mood.
  3. Some pregnant sesame seeds are recommended to be taken regularly. All because useful substances in the composition of seeds help to develop normally the fetus. The main thing is not to abuse the product.
  4. With proper use, sesame seed oil can increase muscle mass.
  5. Calcium in sesame makes it possible to use it for diseases of joints of bones. Grain is often recommended to be used as a preventive agent at a risk of osteoporosis .
  6. Include sesame in the diet experts strongly recommend women over 45 years. The product contains phytoestrogen - a substance that is considered a substitute for the female sex hormone.
  7. Internal application of the seed reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  8. Regularly eating a small amount of grains, a person warns a lot of problems with the organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
  9. The healing properties of sesame seeds have also found application in dentistry. As practice shows, if you rub sesame oil into the gums, the pain will pass almost instantly.
  10. Suffering constipation is enough to drink a little oil on an empty stomach, and their problem will be resolved very quickly.
  11. Antioxidant properties of sesame can be used to eliminate cough for colds, asthmatic attacks, influenza states.

Contraindications to the use of sesame seeds

  1. Since sesame improves blood coagulability, it is not worth it to people who are prone to thrombosis.
  2. Seeds are contraindicated in patients with urolithiasis.
  3. You can not abuse sesame. The optimal dosage is three teaspoons per day. Otherwise, there may be disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation.
  4. With caution, sesame should be treated with those who have an excess of calcium in the body.
  5. It is not necessary to use the seed on an empty stomach - nausea and a very strong thirst can appear.
  6. Sesame oil is not advisable to be used concomitantly with Aspirin or oxalic acid - this can lead to the formation of deposits in the kidneys.
  7. Allergy to sesame - not the most common phenomenon and yet physicians had to deal with cases of individual intolerance of the product.