Thymus - medicinal properties and contraindications

Thyme or thyme has long been known to good herbalists as an excellent remedy for serious diseases of the respiratory apparatus. With its help, we fought with the pathologies of the nervous, digestive, musculoskeletal system. Modern medicine also widely uses the plant, carefully studying thyme - useful properties and contraindications, its negative side effects, the possibility to use in the therapy of children.

Properties of thyme and contraindications

To consider this issue, it is important to know the chemical composition of thyme grass:

Most of all in thyme contains essential oil, thymol and cymene. The presence of these substances due to the powerful antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect of drugs based on thyme. In addition, the plant produces the following effects:

Medications with the product in question are good for anemia, neurasthenia, and relieve alcohol dependence.

Indications and contraindications to treatment with thyme

In medicine, the described plant is used in the form of broths, infusions, essential oil, tea and powder.

With dysbacteriosis, fermentation and rotting processes in the intestines, digestive disorders, gastritis , the following is recommended:

  1. Mix 2 cups of oxen and 1 tablespoon of dry herb thyme.
  2. Boil the solution, remove from heat and immediately wrap it in a thick towel.
  3. After an hour, drain the broth and pour into another container.
  4. Drink a glass before eating (40 minutes), 2 times a day.

The same infusion is indicated for improving brain function after concussions, strokes, circulatory disorders and atherosclerosis. Only in these cases it is necessary to take 80 ml (about a third of a glass) 3 times a day, just before meals.

Treatment of cough thyme:

  1. Pour 1 tablespoon of raw material with a glass of hot, but not boiling, water.
  2. Insist 60 minutes.
  3. Drink three times a day for 2 tablespoons at any time.

Strengthen the effect of the proposed remedy, if in equal proportions, mix it with liquid honey and fresh aloe juice.

Multicomponent infusion of cough:

  1. In 4 tablespoons (chopped) chopped thyme, add 1 tablespoon herbs mint and oregano.
  2. Pour the mixture 0.5-0.7 liters of boiling water, cover with a plate or lid and leave for 6-7 hours.
  3. Drink the solution for 12 hours in a warm form.

For the treatment of various inflammatory diseases (bronchitis, cystitis, gynecological pathology) and bleeding it is necessary to make such a remedy:

  1. Dry thyme grass, about 10 grams, put in a glass jar and pass on with boiling water.
  2. After 2 minutes, pour the raw material into 250 ml of boiling water.
  3. Insist at least 2 hours.
  4. Strain, drink 2 tablespoons every day.

Treatment of thymus with thymus:

  1. Boil in 1 liter of water 60-70 g of herb thyme (10-12 minutes).
  2. The resulting solution is filtered.
  3. Add the entire volume of liquid to the bath, sit in the water for 15 minutes.

Contraindications to drugs and tea with herb thyme

The list of pathologies in which it is undesirable to be treated with thyme is quite broad:

Do not also drink tea with thyme during pregnancy.