Tincture of calamus

Air is a perennial plant that grows along the banks of rivers, lakes, swamps and lowlands. It contains many useful substances, therefore it is widely used for medicinal purposes in folk and official medicine.

Useful properties of tincture of ara

Alcohol tincture of aura has an excellent vasodilating, sedative, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, astringent and reparative properties. It also has a diuretic, hemostatic and tonic effect. Regular application of tincture of calamus strengthens the motor function of the intestine and promotes increased gastric secretion. It increases the appetite and function of the male sex glands. This tool is able to improve the functionality of the liver in a short period of time and increase bile secretion.

Thanks to the listed properties, the tincture of aura is used for:

How to cook and apply tincture of calamus?

Tincture of calamus can be purchased at the pharmacy, and you can do it yourself.

Prescription tincture for prema inside



Grind the rhizomes and pour alcohol. After 14 days the product is ready for use.

With stones in the kidneys and cholecystitis, the tincture of calamus on alcohol is taken at 30 drops twice a day. With diarrhea, poisoning or dysentery, you need to drink 20 drops, and for treatment of angina - 15 drops.

Tincture of ara is useful for teeth and can remove toothache . But it must necessarily be more concentrated.

Tincture recipe for mouthwash



Cut the rhizomes and pour them with vodka. After 14 days drain.

With a toothache this remedy rinse your mouth for 5 minutes.