Ginger tincture

How many times have the world been told that alcohol is a scourge for our health, especially if we do not know how to use it. Let's learn how to prepare homemade hot drinks and start with a ginger tincture, suitable not only for taking away the soul, but also for losing weight. In any case, experts say.

Recipes for ginger tincture

So, there are several options for making this home-made alcohol. Let's first go through them, and then we'll figure it out, is it really the ginger tincture is suitable for weight loss or is it another advertising myth.

Recipe 1. Ginger tincture on vodka

The most common recipe for making tinctures in general and ginger tinctures in particular is cooking on vodka. And, despite the ordinaryity of the main ingredients, the drink can be varied with the help of small house tricks, but about them later, and now the recipe itself:

  1. Take 1 liter of quality vodka and take away from it 150 ml. They can either be drunk, or left for other household needs, even though you can add to the baking, even though you can wipe the lids for conservation.
  2. In the empty volume, put 100 g of any flowing honey and 4 pieces of ginger the size of a female pinkie.
  3. The bottle is sealed again and put in a cool dark place for a week.

After this time, the drink can be taken and treated. By the way, if you do not plan any feast in the next week or even a month, your tincture will not be anything. The longer it is, the more vigorous and fragrant it becomes.

Recipe 2. Ginger tincture on alcohol

The second option of making ginger tincture, when instead of vodka, alcohol is taken. Of course, you can not use it, as it is, you have to lower the degree to a vodka fortress.

It is done this way: 300 ml of alcohol is taken 600 ml of boiled water at room temperature, the liquids are mixed, and you get homemade pure vodka without any impurities. Then the process proceeds, as in the previous recipe. And, frankly, the way with alcohol is much safer than with vodka, because in a real medical alcohol no infection will survive, and in the vodka the unconscious producers can put something on.

Additional Ingredients

Now about what to "decorate" our home exotic. For those who like extreme, you can add a little bit of red pepper. They say ginger pepper is cheerful and has the power of cleaner than any tonic. Naturally, a smart hostess, wife and mother will be able to find her application in terms of treating colds and other diseases. Dropping a little medicinal tincture in a glass of water or a rinse mouth throat can be much quicker to defeat the sore throat and the flu. Adding a ginger tea "ginger" in tea, you can easily raise immunity, improve metabolism and normalize digestion. Rastiraya sick joints with this alcohol tincture can easily and easily part with arthritis and rheumatic pains.

In classical ginger tincture, you can also add decoctions and infusions of almost any medicinal plants. For example, a mixture of ginger and chamomile will improve the anti-inflammatory function, and the addition of sage or mint will enhance the healing effect for the heart and respiratory tract. Mixing options can be infinitely many, it all depends on what result you ultimately want to get.

Ginger tincture and women's harmony

And now let us return to the question posed by us at the beginning of the article. Is ginger tincture good for losing weight? Eastern medicine gurus claim that the root of ginger has the ability to bind and remove virtually any toxins and slags. Tibetan healers even use tincture of ginger to cleanse the body before the main phase of treatment for various ailments. Therefore, the ability of ginger to help in reducing weight is far from a myth, but an important and useful property that ladies should take note.

Now you know how to prepare ginger tincture, and what it is needed for. Use her magic properties and be healthy and beautiful!