Lime honey - medicinal properties and contraindications

Among the variety of varieties of honey, linden is one of the honorable first places. Its distinctive feature is a beautiful amber color, a rich aroma with a predominance of linden smell and a pleasant taste with a slight bitterness, but a tasty aftertaste. More than 400 useful substances that make up its composition, determine the therapeutic properties of linden honey, but it also has contraindications.

Therapeutic properties of linden honey

This beekeeping product contains 39.27% ​​levulose, which is a natural plant sugar and 36.05% glucose, which feeds brain tissue and muscle. Honey is incredibly rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes, amino acids, etc. In addition to the natural presence of linden pollen, there is in it royal jelly bees, as well as a natural antibiotic from the bodies of these insects. He and enzymes, in particular, diastase, catalase, invertase, lipase, peroxidase, etc., endow him with high nutritional value and numerous medicinal properties.

For honey from a linden it is characteristic antibacterial, a diaphoretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, diuretic, cholagogue, wound-healing, calming, stimulating action. Useful properties of linden honey give the basis to apply it for the treatment of a variety of ailments:

  1. Diseases of the bronchopulmonary system - various bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis, angina, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc. In the latter case, his reception is combined with the reception of goat's milk.
  2. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. This bee product improves the functioning of the heart muscle, reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, improves metabolism.
  3. Diseases of the digestive tract. Honey has proven effective in the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. Stimulating the separation of bile, it improves the process of digestion of food and accelerates fat burning , and therefore can be used during weight loss. It is well absorbed by the body.
  4. CNS diseases. Honey improves brain function, relieves stress, relieves stress and insomnia. In the latter case, it is recommended to drink it at night, stirring in a glass of warm milk.
  5. Useful properties of lime honey for women consist in the presence in it of phytoestrogens - hormones, similar in structure to female hormones. The use of this bee product positively affects the hormonal background and is the prevention of early aging.
  6. Skin diseases. Honey treats all kinds of ulcers, abscesses, wounds, boils, etc. It is widely used in cosmetology to improve the skin condition, get rid of cellulite and stretch marks, prolong the youth of the epidermis.

Harm and contraindications

The usefulness of linden honey and its properties has already been said, but it's worth noticing harm. In the first place, it is contraindicated in individuals with intolerance to glucose, who suffer from allergic diathesis and diabetes mellitus. Like any other product, with excessive use will do more harm than good. Therefore, you need to use it moderately - no more than 100 ml per day and there is a snack, washed down with tea or milk, but do not dilute in too hot a liquid, as it levels all its value to the body. Children under 3 years of age are not recommended to give honey, so as not to provoke an allergic reaction, but even after this age, the product of beekeeping is very dosed.

Aerosol treatment with bee extract is contraindicated for people suffering from myocarditis, heart failure, bleeding from the respiratory tract, insufficiency of the heart valves. And, of course, only real honey should be used for food, which means you need to be able to distinguish it from a fake.