Clindamycin - tablets

Infectious inflammatory diseases become more difficult to treat with antibiotics, as most pathogens quickly acquire resistance to such drugs. Exception can be considered Clindamycin - tablets have a very wide range of activity against bacteria resistant to other types of antibiotics. At the same time the drug is safe even with prolonged use.

Instructions for the use of tablets Clindamycin

The presented drug is issued in the form of capsules, each containing 150 mg of the active ingredient (clindamycin hydrochloride). The drug has a pronounced activity against the majority of known microbes, its mechanism of action is similar to Lincomycin, but it exceeds it by 2-10 times in efficiency.

It is worth noting that there are 2 types of pathogenic microorganisms resistant to the agent in question - Clostridium sporogenes and Clostridium tertium. Therefore, for infections that are caused by clostridia, it is necessary to make a preliminary antibioticogram.

Indications for the prescription of Klindomycin tablets are any inflammatory pathologies triggered by bacteria that are sensitive to the active ingredient. Among them:

1. Diseases of the urogenital system:

2. Diseases of the skin and soft tissues:

3. Infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, otolaryngological organs:

4. Pathologies of the abdominal cavity:

5. Oral cavity disorders:

Also capsules are sometimes used in such cases:

Before the beginning of the course of therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the list of possible side effects after taking Clindamycin:

The listed problems arise, as a rule, when the medicine is misused and the recommended doses are exceeded.

Dosage of tablets Clindamycin

Bacterial inflammations of mild and moderate severity presume the administration of the described preparation 4 times a day, every 6 hours, 150 mg of active ingredient (1 capsule).

If the lesion is severe or rapidly progresses, it is necessary to increase the dosage of Clindamycin to 300-450 mg - 2-3 tablets per 1 dose.

It is important to note that an antibiotic is acceptable in the treatment of patients with impaired renal or hepatic function, even in the severe stage. Only the interval between capsules should be at least 8 hours.

Contraindications to tablets Clindamycin according to instructions

This medication should not be used with increased individual sensitivity to clindamycin, pregnancy and lactation. There are also the following contraindications: