Nail fungus on legs - treatment with folk remedies

Onychomycosis or nail fungus, a serious enough and unpleasant disease, the treatment of which can take a long time. Treatment of nail fungus on legs with folk remedies has several advantages over medicamental treatment. Folk methods are available, tested, have no serious contraindications. There are also negative sides - such treatment can be long, the possibility of relapse in the future is not ruled out, and it may take time to choose an effective remedy. Treatment of nail fungus on legs with folk remedies requires regularity of procedures, careful self-control and compliance with personal hygiene rules. The most common and affordable is the treatment of foot nail fungus with iodine and vinegar, of course, there are also more complex recipes.

Treatment of nail fungus on legs with folk remedies

Treatment of nail fungus with iodine

From 18 to 21 days it is necessary to carry on sick nails on a drop of iodine 1-2 times a day. Healthy nails can be treated every 2-3 days, to prevent the spread of fungus. When treating the nail fungus with iodine, weak pain can be noted. With increased pain, fingernails are treated less often.

Treatment of foot nail fungus with vinegar

For treatment, it is better to use apple cider vinegar. Acidic environment for many types of fungus is disastrous, which is the reason for the popularity of such a simple means.

Ointment for the treatment of fungus

To mix a tablespoon of vegetable oil, raw egg, 1 tsp. dimethyl phthalate and a tablespoon of vinegar 70%. The resulting mixture is used for compressing - apply to the affected areas, wrapped in a plastic bag and put on socks on top. Compress to keep up to 3-4 days, depending on the duration of the disease.

Also, with fungal diseases it is useful to treat affected areas with tea tree oil, birch tar, propolis tincture, make baths from sea salt, compresses from a tea mushroom. For preventive purposes, you should carefully take care of the nails and the skin of the legs, do not allow excessive moisture and dryness, if necessary, use strengthening and healing agents.