Bouquet from socks

From time to time we give our relatives such a banal, but necessary thing, as socks. So why not make this simple gift more creative? The original bouquet of socks, made by own hands, will be relevant for children, and for women, and for beloved men . Make a bouquet of socks, taking our master class as an example, it's very simple. And by connecting a fantasy, you can surprise the guests. We will need:

  1. Prepare the stems, cutting the wire into 35-centimeter lengths. Then we will wrap them with paper. This is necessary not only for a more aesthetic appearance, but also for ensuring the integrity of socks.
  2. Now turn off the sock as shown in the figures. Fold the elastic, begin to fold the sock into the tube, turning the edge. In the region of the heel we turn the sock perpendicular to the part that is already twisted, and continue to twist to the end.
  3. At the base of our flower tightly tighten the ribbon to make a rose. Such socks-roses should be made 10 pieces.
  4. It's time to collect flowers in a bouquet, lining the bouquet with fibers of sisal. The ends of the stems are wrapped in paper. Sisal to the bouquet is fastened with a stapler.
  5. We wrap the bouquet with paper and tie it with a beautiful ribbon. You can decorate it with beads. We recommend using beads in the shape of an ellipse. They are easier to glue to paper. A wonderful festive flower-bouquet is ready!

If you have learned how to make a bouquet of socks, you can experiment with the number of flowers, the shape of the bouquet and the type of packaging. It is worth noting that such hand-made bouquets will look more impressive, if for their manufacture you will take socks of different colors. For men, these are socks of black, gray, blue, white, and their shades, and for children and women the color range is unlimited. To get flowers of different sizes, take different in texture and material socks. Products made of cotton will be small, and of wool or mahrya - more voluminous. In addition, by the same principle, you can make a bouquet of panties and socks, but note that such a gift should be appropriate. Another idea - a bouquet of three colors, one of which - socks, the second - panties, and the third - a tie. Original, practical and fun!