How to sew a snowflake costume?

Before the New Year holidays there is always a lot of fuss and preparations. As a rule, they begin a week earlier, because in all kindergartens, according to tradition, New Year parties are held. The snowflake dress was always one of the most popular among girls. To put on a snowflake costume for a matinee and be the most beautiful one wants every young fashionista. If you do not have time to purchase a ready-made dress in advance or just want to make a snowflake suit for your daughter with your own hands, you will need a little cloth and just one evening.

Master class "Snowflake costume for a girl"

This master class is very suitable for those mothers who have absolutely no idea about sewing, but very much want to prepare a beautiful festive dress for the daughter. Before you start to sew a snowflake suit, prepare everything you need:

That's all the simple workpieces you'll need for a snowflake dress. Now consider step by step how to make an outfit for a girl without a sewing machine:

1. Cut the strips of tulle with a width of 25 cm and a length of 50 cm. Such blanks will need about 36 pcs.

2. Take the strip and add it to the accordion. With a pin. It is convenient to immediately prepare all the strips of tulle in order to make things go faster.

3. Before you begin to "sew" the costume of a snowflake, measure the necessary length of the elastic and try it on the waist of the girl.

4. Now just tie the accordion on the elastic band.

5. To New Year's costume snowflakes turned out fluffy and festive, try as tight as possible to tie a taffy on an elastic band.

6. This is what should happen when all the strips are tied.

7. Next, we will make our own head-piece for the snowflake costume. We take the most ordinary hoop on the head. From him we will make the crown. We cut strips of tulle length of 10 cm and a width of 3 cm. Such strips will need 50-60 pieces.

8. We will make the headdress in the same technique as the snowflake dress. Just tie strips very tightly to each other. Tie is better with a double knot.

9. The result is approximately the following:

10. To shape it, slightly trim the edges of the tulle.

11. In the end, you get this kind of costume for your daughter.

As you can see, even without the idea of ​​sewing, you can make a very beautiful skirt-pack and crown for a snowflake. If desired, you can decorate the tulle with rhinestones or add a little blue stripes.