How to choose a humidifier?

Each parent tries to take care of his child and strengthen his immunity in all ways. We dress children according to the weather and temper them, give vitamins and do our best to avoid colds and other diseases. At home, we are less scrupulous about the methods of creating comfortable conditions for a child. But factors such as air humidity and temperature in the apartment are as important in the house as it is on the street. It is very useful to have an air humidifier for the house and preferably with an ionizer. What is it and how to choose the right humidifier?

Types of air humidifiers

It is not easy to choose the air humidifier correctly, as there are a lot of kinds of this device and everyone has their pros and cons. There are many points that need to be considered to determine which humidifier to choose. Let's consider in more detail what kind of humidifiers are there, their pros and cons.

Traditional humidifier

This model is most often used in domestic conditions. This design is the simplest, the simpler is just a bowl of water. Simply plug the appliance into an outlet and fill with water. Water will be supplied to special evaporative elements. This is due to the operation of the fan, it drives water to these filters. Before choosing an air humidifier of this type, be prepared for the fact that it works only on distilled water. Otherwise, the evaporator will become unusable very quickly: the humidifying cartridge will simply be clogged with salts and impurities from the running water.



Steam humidifier

The design of this humidifier is not much more complicated. The essence of the work is as follows: water evaporates when heated. After all the water has evaporated, the device switches itself off. The speed with which air will be moistened directly depends on the power of the device.



Ultrasonic humidifier

To date, this type of humidifier is considered the most effective. The operation of such a device is more complicated than in the two previous versions. With the help of a special device, water is converted into a water cloud. The humidifier sucks in the dry air, which in turn passes through this "water cloud" and is fed and shaped like a water spray. But before you decide to choose a humidifier of this particular model, be prepared to part with a fairly decent amount of money. But this amount will not exceed the cost of the traditional humidifier.



Whichever air humidifier you choose, one has its pros and cons. In addition to these models, there are more expensive, but improved. There are humidifiers with air ionization function, others filter air. There are even entire systems - climate complexes. But the main goal of each of them is to make the air more damp and provide comfortable conditions for the whole family.