Suspended chaise longue

Chaise lounge is a very comfortable kind of garden furniture. In contrast to the traditional bench, it allows you to sit for a holiday in nature with maximum comfort. Sunbeds are very different in their design. For example, today more and more popular are hanging loungers.

Advantages of hanging deck chairs

So, let's find out what are the advantages of such a chaise longue in comparison with the usual sunbed:

Models of hanging loungers used for a dacha or a private house differ in the following parameters:

Many hanging deck chairs come complete with an umbrella or canopy to protect them from the hot rays of the summer sun. And if you want to take a sun bath, just move the visor (in most models this option is provided).

A pendant chaise longue is a modern design, a high level of comfort and an excellent pastime for children and adults. Decorate your local area with such a novelty, and you will not be disappointed!