Museum of Natural History

In Kathmandu there is one small but interesting museum, the exposition of which tells about the richness of the flora and fauna of the country, ancient forms of life, minerals and prehistoric shells.


The Museum of Natural History is located in the capital of Nepal - the city of Kathmandu - near the Svayambanaz hill and the Swayambhunath stupa.

History of creation

The Museum of Natural History opened in Kathmandu in 1975. Now he works together with the Institute of Science and Technology, together they implement programs to study and conserve endangered species of flora and fauna. One of the main goals of the museum's activity is the search and placement of the most ancient fossils, animal skeletons, etc. in the exposition.

What is interesting in the Museum of Natural History?

The museum exposition is very extensive and covers various directions of development of flora and fauna in Nepal. You can see the collected herbariums, hear about the origin and disappearance of the most interesting individuals that inhabited and inhabited the territory of the country.

Conventionally, the exhibition at the Museum of Natural History includes:

  1. Section of flora. As the country is high-mountainous and is famous for the presence of several types of climate and landscape, the local flora is of great interest. Part of the museum collection is dedicated to unique plants of the Himalayas, among which there are rare and endangered species.
  2. Sections of animals, birds, amphibians and insects. This exposition presents a collection of amazing butterflies, birds, snakes and amphibians, as well as stones and fossils of historical value. One of the most important exhibits of the section is the skeleton of the dodo, a bird of the pigeon family weighing about 23 kg, which could not fly and ceased to exist at the end of the 17th century.

How to get there?

The Natural History Museum in Kathmandu can be reached by public transport (you need to get off at the Swayambhy Ring Road stop), then go on foot to your destination. The second option is a walk from the tourist district of Tamel, the capital of Nepal, the route takes about 35 minutes.