Diet for polycystic ovaries

Often when appointing the treatment of polycystic ovaries, doctors do not give any advice about compliance with the diet. But for the normalization of metabolic processes, it is necessary first of all to establish nutrition and adjust the way of life.

Why is it necessary to observe a diet for polycystic ovaries?

To adhere to a rigid diet with set of restrictions there is no sense, a food at a polycystosis of ovaries should be healthy and balanced. The right diet allows:

What should be the diet for polycystosis?

A healthy diet for polycystic disease should be based on simple principles:

  1. The daily diet should be divided into three or five meals: three full-fledged and two snacks.
  2. A prerequisite for an effective diet for polycystic ovaries - the menu should not include fast food , canned food, baked goods, food prepared on animal fats. It is also necessary to limit the presence in the diet of fried, spicy, salty, fatty foods.
  3. The basis of the menu should be food with a low glycemic index (a parameter that reflects how much sugar in the blood rises after eating the product). This meat, fish, legumes, rye bread, vegetables.

Lose weight slowly, without exhausting marathons on one buckwheat, which can sometimes be found in the descriptions of diets in polycystic ovaries. Reviews about the use of such power systems are not the most positive.

The positive effect of switching to a healthy diet should not be underestimated. Our diet directly affects all metabolic processes in our body, so a proper diet helps to cope with the difficult task of treating polycystic.