Severe pain with menstruation

Almost every woman is familiar with such a phenomenon as the appearance of pain immediately before menstruation. Many girls, especially young age, when the cycle is still unstable, it is on painful sensations that they learn about the approaching menstruation.

However, the appearance of severe pain with the menstruation itself should alert the woman. This phenomenon was called dysmenorrhea. With such a violation, the pain in the lower abdomen is so pronounced that it considerably worsens the state of health of the pregnant woman, hinders her vital activity. Let's more in detail tell about why with a month the abdomen strongly hurts, and as thus it is necessary for itself to conduct.

What are the causes of dysmenorrhea?

Such a gynecological disorder as dysmenorrhea is quite common among women of reproductive age. It is accepted to distinguish 2 types of a similar disease: primary and secondary dysmenorrhea.

The primary form of pathology is associated, first of all, with the violation of the level of the female sex hormone prostaglandin in the body of a woman. From the moment of the termination of an ovulation and up to the menses the hormonal background changes. In cases where there is excessive synthesis of prostaglandin, then to the pain in the lower abdomen, the girl joins nausea, headache, decreased performance. In such cases, a visit to a gynecologist should not be postponed.

The secondary form of dysmenorrhea is associated with the development of an inflammatory process in the body, which can not be localized in the reproductive organs. In order to accurately determine its location, a woman has to undergo a lot of examinations, the central place among which is ultrasound.

In addition to dysmenorrhea, very severe pain with menstruation can also occur as a result of the presence of abortions, severe labor, gynecological surgeries, viral diseases and injuries in the past. Therefore, in determining the cause of this phenomenon, the doctor necessarily takes into account these factors.

If we talk about when it is still possible to have severe pain during menstruation, then, as a rule, these are gynecological diseases and disorders, such as:

How will get rid of severe pain during menstruation?

In order to understand what to do with severe pain during menstruation, it is necessary to accurately determine their cause. Only in this case it will be possible to get rid of them.

However, in view of the fact that it may take some time to search for a cause, doctors usually first carry out symptomatic therapy, which is aimed at coping pain. In this case, various kinds of analgesics and antispasmodics are often used (No-Shpa, Ketorol, Baralgin, Spasmoton, etc.). In order to know exactly what to take with severe pain during menstruation, it is better to turn to a digger, and not engage in self-medication.

To alleviate her suffering, a girl can take a warm bath or use a heating pad, putting it on the bottom of the stomach. As you know, heat reduces muscle tone, thereby relaxing the uterus, resulting in pain less pronounced or completely disappear.

It is also necessary to say that if the pain in the abdomen during menstruation is caused by the anxiety and emotions of the girl, then tea with soothing herbs will help in such cases: chamomile, melissa, mint.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, severe pain during menstruation, localized in the abdominal cavity, can be caused by various causes. In most cases, this phenomenon requires careful diagnosis and intervention by physicians. Therefore, if severe pain is not observed for the first time, or if the woman is constantly harassed, it is necessary to consult a doctor.