Very sore nipples

When you visit a doctor, women often complain that they have very bad nipples for some reason. Consider this phenomenon in detail and call those physiological changes with which they can be related.

Why do my nipples hurt so much before menstruation?

Cyclic mastodonia - it is with this phenomenon associated with soreness in the chest. Pain can appear already from the middle of the cycle, when there is an increase in the concentration of progesterone. However, most girls celebrate it literally 3-5 days before the onset of monthly excretions.

Under the action of progesterone and prolactin, fluid retention in the body, including in the gland itself, is noted. This explains the fact that before the menstruation, the breast becomes rough, slightly increases in volume and soreness appears in the paranasal region.

Because of what very much hurt nipples during pregnancy and breastfeeding?

During the gestation of the baby, the concentration in the blood of the hormone progesterone increases dramatically. This is due to the thickening of the uterine endometrium, which is necessary for subsequent implantation, as well as the maintenance of the gestation process. Rebuilding the hormonal system is the main cause of chest pain during childbearing.

As for breastfeeding, in such cases the pain in the nipples is most often caused by the wrong technique of applying to the breast. Often the baby captures only one nipple without an areola, which leads to its subsequent stretching and soreness. Also, it is necessary to be neat when you finish feeding - you have to wait until the baby releases the nipple and does not extract it by force.

At what diseases can the nipples hurt?

Often, this is caused by the oscillation of the hormonal background in the body of a woman. This violation was called acyclic mastodynia. The causes of this disease most often are: