Peaches - good and bad

Peach is not only a fruit that is loved by many, but also a most useful delicacy that allows you to enrich the body with a mass of useful substances. These fruits, like any other, are most useful for consuming fresh, and it is desirable - almost immediately after tearing off the branch, during this period the peaks contain the maximum concentration of nutrients. However, even a little resting peach will be more useful than many other desserts. You will learn about the benefits and disadvantages of peaches from this article.

Vitamins in peaches

Peaches contain a lot of vitamins , many of which have proven to be "beauty vitamins", because they allow you to maintain youthful skin, beautiful complexion, healthy hair and nails. The full list includes PP, beta-carotene, A, B1, B2, B5, B6, folic acid, C, E and H. It is thanks to this composition that peaches are actively used not only in folk medicine, but also in cosmetology.

In addition to vitamins, peaches are also rich in macronutrients, including calcium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, sulfur and chlorine. A sufficient number of trace elements are also present: iron, iodine, manganese, zinc, fluorine, copper, silicon and aluminum.

Thanks to this composition, every time you eat a peach, you enrich your body, allow it to receive all the necessary substances in an easily digestible form.

Benefit and harm of peaches

Enumerate the healing properties of peaches can be quite long, because this product has beneficial effects on virtually all body systems. Among the useful properties of this product are the following:

Whatever the benefits of peaches, there are also contraindications to their use. Their action aimed at treating certain diseases, in some cases may have a negative impact on the body.

In particular, the harm of peaches can cause those who suffer from diabetes and clinical obesity, because they have a lot of natural sugars. According to some data, they are not recommended in the period exacerbation of allergies.

Is it possible to eat peaches in a diet?

Peach is a relatively low-calorie product, it contains only 45 kcal per 100 g of product, and each fruit weighs about 85 g (this is about 38 kcal). If you eat according to the proper diet , as a natural dessert you can also choose a peach. Try to use this fruit until 14.00, when the level of metabolism is high enough, and carbohydrates go to life, and not into the fatty layer on the body.

However, if you have a strict diet with a fixed diet, add to it any products, including peaches, is strictly prohibited.