Gout - treatment with folk remedies

Gout is a hereditary disease that affects mostly men. And although the symptoms of gout, and even the methods of its treatment, are familiar to people since the time of the forefather of Hippocrates medicine, today the exact cause of this disease has not been established. It is known only that gout develops as a result of accumulation of uric acid in the tissues.

Treatment of gout - diet

The first thing you need to pay attention to by patients with gout is the regime and way of eating. There are several prohibited products that affect the intensification of pain and swelling. They should be excluded from the diet:

Not recommended fasting. Dishes should be cooked or cooked on a pair, they should not be crushed. It is not recommended to eat fresh bread. Better, if it will be yesterday's pastry products from wheat or rye with bran.

Treatment of gout with folk methods

When gout begins, treatment with folk remedies, even in the modern world of the latest pharmaceutical preparations, is still considered a popular and effective way to relieve painful symptoms. With the first symptoms, inflammation of the joints will help the treatment of gout with iodine. The essence of the procedure is to apply 5% alcohol solution of iodine, decolorized with an acetylsalicylic acid tablet (aspirin), to the affected joints. It is important to remember that such treatment is effective only at the initial stages of the disease. The local effect is exerted by the treatment of gout and leeches. But in addition to the anti-inflammatory effect, the effect of improved blood circulation is also achieved with gouty arthritis.

Another popular method is the treatment of gout with herbs. Its purpose is to remove uric acid from the body and improve metabolism. Here are a few folk recipes for preparing decoctions of gout:

  1. In equal proportions take: leaves of birch, nettle, field violets and parsley root, pour the mixture with steep boiling water. Take half a glass 3 times a day.
  2. In equal parts it is necessary to take the herb of St. John's wort, the color of the linden and the chemist's chamomile, the leaves of the kidney tea, pour it all over with boiling water, insist until it cools completely. Take infusion should be half the glass 4 times a day an hour after eating.
  3. Take in equal proportions leaves bearberry, birch, grass alternate, corn stigmas, pour boiling water. Take an hour after eating half a glass 3 times a day.

In the case of an exacerbation of gout, the treatment is carried out as follows:

  1. It is necessary to prepare 2 pieces of nettle leaves, birch and grass of horsetail, as well as 1 part of the root of valerian and bark of buckthorn.
  2. Pour the mixture with boiling water and cook on a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  3. The broth should be taken hot every 2 hours until the pain subsides. Then the reception is done 1 glass 3 times a day.

Remove uric acid from the body, and improve kidney function will help treat gout with mineral water. It is recommended to drink 2 liters of alkaline mineral water for 6 months.

Medication for gout

The intake of medications with gout is aimed at reducing the level of uric acid in the body and accelerating the work of the kidneys. Most preparations of this type are based on sulfinpyrazone. When taking medication for gout, sufficient fluid intake is necessary. This will help to avoid the formation of kidney stones. Inflamed joints also require local treatment. Treatment of gout with ointments should be carried out in conjunction with medications for internal reception.