Mother-and-stepmother - medicinal properties and contraindications

Mother-and-stepmother is one of those plants whose medicinal properties and contra-indications are known to folk and traditional medicine for many centuries. This grass is unsightly in appearance, but in fact it is a real storehouse of nutrients. It can be used to treat various ailments. And as practice shows, in most cases it is much more effective than pharmacy products.

The healing properties of the mother-and-stepmother

The plant contains:

The combination of substances provides the following useful properties:

Due to these medicinal properties, flowers, leaves and root of the mother-and-stepmother are actively used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract. The plant promotes rapid liquefaction and sputum discharge. And a large number of mucus in the composition eliminates the painful sensation - they envelop and soften.

Well-proven funds on the basis of mother-and-stepmother with dental diseases. Rinses are prescribed for stomatitis and gingivitis. They also help to relieve acute pain.

In the absence of contraindications to the use of mother-and-stepmother, the plant is recommended to use for the healing of hair and scalp. It makes curls more alive, effectively eliminates dandruff, peeling, itching.

Among other things, this herb can be used as a preventive agent. It helps to raise the tone of the body when the forces decline . Very often, funds on its basis are prescribed for people who undergo rehabilitation after severe ailments.

Contraindications to the use of coltsfoot

No, probably, such a curative means, which would not have contraindications to the use. Even the most useful plant to someone may not be suitable. The mother-and-stepmother was no exception.

  1. It is contraindicated for children under two years.
  2. It is not recommended to use herbal remedies for pregnant and lactating women.
  3. If there is a delay in menstruation, it is better to temporarily stop treatment with the plant.
  4. Of course, the grass can harm those who have individual intolerance of certain components of its composition.
  5. Leaves of mother-and-stepmother are contraindicated in patients suffering from liver problems (including alcohol abuse). All because in large numbers they negatively affect the organ.

The application of the mother-and-stepmother

  1. To prepare the infusion, a tablespoon of dried leaves should be poured with boiling water. After a quarter of an hour, strain the medicine and dilute it with boiled water. Drink half the glass twice - three times a day.
  2. If there are no contraindications to the use of herb-coltsfoot, you can prepare from it a decoction. Diluted boiling water dry mixture should be boiled for ten minutes. The finished product is taken one tablespoon by one three to four times a day.
  3. To get the juice will need fresh leaves. Collect them preferably in late spring or early summer. Before cooking - wash and beat with boiling water. Now the leaves can be crushed and squeezed out of the juice. The resulting liquid is diluted with boiling water in a ratio of 1: 1 and boiled for several minutes. Ready medicine should be drunk on a tablespoon three times a day after eating.
  4. Alcohol tincture is prepared for a week and is taken forty drops before eating.