Nettle - healing properties and rules of use

Healing properties of nettle burning are difficult to overestimate. A plant that grows everywhere is used for prevention and treatment:

But with improper use, like any medicinal plant, nettle can harm the body. In this regard, it is important not only to have an idea of ​​the curative properties of nettle, but also to know the rules for its application.

Curative properties of nettle and its use for medicinal purposes

Nettle juice has amazing healing properties. So the substances contained in the medicinal plant:

In addition, it is impossible not to note such medicinal properties of the plant as the ability of nettle to act laxatively and to have a diuretic effect.

How best to use the remedies with nettles?

  1. With gastric spasms and colic in the stomach, it is desirable to use a decoction of the root of the nettle. A tablespoon with a crushed dried root should be poured a glass of milk and cook for about 5 minutes. Drink a medicine for ¼ cup hot. This remedy perfectly removes attacks of nausea.
  2. To improve the work of the heart and the state of the vessels, it is worth eating a decoction of the leaves of the nettle. Drink a drink twice a day for 100 ml, adding a teaspoon of honey.
  3. To improve the condition of the kidneys daily, you also need to drink a decoction of nettle with honey or a fresh juice of the plant in a volume of 50 ml.
  4. In diseases of female reproductive organs, infusion of two tablespoons of crushed raw material and 300 ml of boiling water are prepared. Infusion necessarily must be saturated, and for this it is kept under the lid for at least two hours. The same tool It is used for nephritis and pyelonephritis.
  5. For the elimination of warts, pustules and acne, fresh nettle juice should be gently rubbed into the skin. In the absence of disinfectants, for example, during a hike or in the country, you can also use the juice of the plant.
  6. With neuralgia , arthrosis, rheumatism, steam out a broom from fresh grass and apply to a sore spot. Excellent helps the nettle in a bath with radiculitis, osteochondrosis and even with colds.