Black salt - good and bad, old recipes for the preparation of Thursday salt

Black salt, the benefit and harm of which is discussed today by nutritionists and doctors is a mixture of different minerals that differ in composition, depending on the origin of the product. Negative influence manifests itself only with the abuse of spice, but the positive effects are calculated by solid lists.

Black Thursday salt is good and bad

Thursday black salt from Kostroma - this seasoning was known since the times of Kievan Rus, and it is called so, because they made it on Pure Thursday, on the extreme week of Lent , on Wednesday night. Salt was burned with bread and herbs, then charred and sieved. What is needed for black salt is a good way to prevent a shortage of minerals, yet it is recommended for the treatment of various diseases.

Black salt is good

This product has many valuable minerals: iodine, copper, calcium, magnesium and selenium, which helps improve bowel function, get rid of heartburn, dysbiosis and meteorism. Some nutritionists believe that this product still improves eyesight and relieves depression . Than black salt is useful:

Other product advantages:

  1. In black salt - less sodium, the product does not allow water to linger in the body, so doctors recommend this spice to hypertensive patients, as an alternative to diuretics. The pressure is equalized, swelling goes away, the vessels are cleaned.
  2. This salt contains a lot of carbon and acts like activated carbon, removing toxins and cholesterol.
  3. Heals inflammation of the mucosa and small erosions.
  4. It gives the food original, piquant taste, light spicy, for which this spice is highly valued by gourmets.

Harm of black salt

Dietitians note the harm of the product only if they are abused. Black Thursday salt is recommended in dosage: half a teaspoon a day. Careless use can cause:

How to prepare black salt?

Often people are looking for ways to make black salt themselves. The secret of cooking is in burning in the oven, but in our time it is not available for everyone. Black salt, the benefits and harm of which we already know is prepared simply. We offer a recipe for black salt, compiled taking into account modern reality.

Cooking recipe with Borodino bread

Ingredients :


  1. Bread soak, squeeze and dilute with salt until smooth.
  2. The mixture is put in a frying pan made of cast iron, and the mattress will be suitable.
  3. Preheat the oven to 200-250 degrees, set to burn. When the bread turns black, it's time to take it out.
  4. Cool in a hot place.
  5. Grind to powder on a grater or a coffee grinder.

Cooking recipe with herbs

Ingredients :


  1. Bread soften with water, mix with seasoning and herbs.
  2. Put in a mold, put in the oven, heated to 250 degrees.
  3. Bake until black mixture.
  4. Prune and sift.

Black Salt for Weight Loss

Black food salt is also recommended for weight loss, as it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins. The course is designed for a month. Doctors say that in the first days there may be problems with digestion, muscle pains, but in the process of cleaning the symptoms gradually begin to disappear. The positive effect of spice: accelerates metabolism , causes a sense of satiety, eliminates excess fluid.

Salt solution recipe

Ingredients :

Preparation and use :

  1. Put the grains in cool water and hold the day.
  2. There was a deposit - the solution is ready, if not appeared, then report the salt and again insist the same.
  3. Waking up, a quarter of an hour before breakfast, drink a glass of warm water, with a dissolved one teaspoon of solution.

Indian black salt is good and bad

There is one more variety - black Indian salt, from Cala Namak. In its composition - 86% sodium and 14% minerals: magnesium, calcium, iodine, strontium, bromine, borate and iron. It has a sweetish-brackish taste. The latest novelty - disks and tiles from such a product, enriching the taste of food during cooking. Among the most valuable positive qualities:

Inhalations, compresses, lotions, baths - the spectrum of application of black salt from India is very wide. Dangerous only use (norm: 1 teaspoon per day), otherwise harm to the body can result in: