Medynitsa officinalis

Medunitsa is a perennial plant, which since ancient times was used as a medicinal product. Over the centuries, she received many other names that she received from the people - "legochnitsa", "pripadnaya grass", "water springs", etc. Such indifferent attitude to the grass says that she really helped people and was important for them medicinal means.

Today, in our pragmatic age, it is unlikely that a medicinal herb is worthy of a special name, but this does not make it less useful in treatment.

Medunica is now used in the following areas:

Medunica - medicinal properties

Ledweed herb contains a lot of tannins and saponins, which make it a useful remedy. The flower of the lizardwoman also contains these substances, because of what it is used on a par with the rest of the plant.

Saponins have an irritant effect on the mucous membranes, which increases the secretion of glands and this has a beneficial effect on the bronchi - the medlina promotes the excretion of sputum due to dilution. The same effect has medicines for cough. But with the use of a large number of saponins, nausea and vomiting may occur due to irritation of the stomach and intestinal mucosa. Saponins contained in the plant also contribute to an increase in adaptogenic functions of the body, which is favorable for nervous disorders and weak immunity. Another effect of saponins is a laxative effect, and therefore in some cases of stool disorders this plant can be useful.

Tannins contained in the medlina have hemostatic effect and can serve as an antidote for poisoning with mercury or lead salts. With infectious diseases of the lungs, they soften sphagnum expectoration.

In addition to these basic substances, the wrecker also contains:

The whole complex of these substances have a diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and antiseptic effect.

Features of the collection of plants

Medinitsu can be purchased at a pharmacy or collected independently. In the spring it is necessary to collect and dry leaves and flowers, and in the autumn roots. Keep it in boxes on paper.

Application of medicinal litter

For treatment, the medlunitsa is used as a decoction and juice. When hemorrhoids use it in the form of enemas.

Juvenile juice

For the preparation of juice, the leaves of the plant are used. It is necessary to squeeze out 1 tbsp. juice and mix it with 1 tablespoon. vodka - take the drug 2 times a day. The drug is used to treat inflammation and lung disease.

Decoction Medunitsy

For cooking, take 4 tsp. herbs and pour them with water 200 ml. Boil the broth for no more than 10 minutes, and then take half the glass 3 times a day. This remedy is used for diarrhea.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids another broth is prepared: 2 tablespoons. grass needs to be poured a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 1 hour. Use the product you need after cooling as an enema.

Medunica officinalis - contraindications

Contraindications to the use of lungwort are few: