Syrup Holosas

Among the preparations of natural origin is very popular syrup Holosas, which belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors (protecting the function of the liver substances) and cholagogue.

The main component of the medicine is extract from the hips, rich in flavonoids and vitamin C. Thanks to this composition, Holosas has an anti-inflammatory, immunomodulating, choleretic effect and generally strengthens the body.

The preparation has a brown color, a specific smell and a thick consistency.

Among the analogs of this remedy are Hofitol, Artihol, Alohol, and Holensim.

Application of syrup Holosas

The drug is prescribed for patients with liver disease, as well as poisoning with drugs and alcohol, overexertion (in athletes).

Among the indications for the use of Holosas:

It is especially appropriate to take this medication for chronic forms of these diseases.

As the instruction says, the Holosas syrup is useful for the biliary tract disease - this disease is characterized by a disruption of the sphincter of Oddi, because of which the tone of the ducts is either raised or lowered, and therefore there is no normal excretion of bile.

Other indications for the use of Holosas are reduced immunity and metabolic disorders. Consider these two problems in more detail.

Holosas for strengthening immunity

Some doctors recommend syrup based on dog rose even to children during the epidemic of viral diseases or at the end of winter, when the supply of vitamins (in particular C) in the body is minimal. Babies under 3 years are given a medicine three times a day for a quarter of a spoon, and for older children - a full teaspoonful. Syrup Holosas take before meals.

It is useful to drink extract from rose hips to strengthen the immune system and adults, but the dosage in this case is 1 tablespoon.

Holosas for losing weight

A well-known means for losing weight is a cocktail of Senna herbs, raisins and syrup Holosas - drinking it is usually advised in all forums for slimming. However, in fact, a set of these drugs, even theoretically, will not help get rid of excess fats, tk. acts quite differently.

So, Senna irritates the intestines and relaxes the stool, and raisins cause fermentation. As a result, food does not have time to digest, and a person begins diarrhea (besides, it is advised to combine a cocktail with a hunger diet in general). After a few days of such therapy, the arrows of the scales will actually show a smaller figure, but this is an illusion, because after eating the weight will recover again. A syrup Holosas, as already noted, increases the production of bile, which inevitably increases appetite. In addition, the cocktail is rich in carbohydrates, and the syrup itself is very sweet.

Given that most people have problems with excess weight are closely related to high blood sugar, this method of losing weight can safely be called risky.

As a result of taking senna, syrup and raisins, inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and even ulceration can begin. But at least the pain in the abdomen and the rumbling, multiplied by the feeling of hunger, will become a true companion of losing weight.

Holosas for cleansing the body

Despite the above-described disadvantages of syrup as a means to lose weight, it can still benefit if you drink it for 1 to 3 weeks before you go on a diet. The drug will purify the liver and improve blood circulation in it, replenish the stores of vitamin C, normalizes the work of the intestines, will give an easy diuretic and laxative effect, thus preparing the body for a new diet.

Contraindications to the use of Holosas

In no event can you drink syrup from hips extract when biliary tract obstruction (i.e., cholelithiasis) because this can lead to obstruction of the canal with stone and hepatic colic. People with impaired glucose tolerance and diabetes mellitus are also contraindicated. During pregnancy use it with extreme caution. In any case, before taking Holosas, it is necessary to consult a doctor.