Fig with milk from cough - recipe

A proven cough remedy is a fig with milk. It has been used in unconventional medicine for many centuries, but it gained special popularity among the British aristocracy of the 19th century. Used this way of treating colds and our grandmothers. At the same time, few people know that fresh figs are much preferable to dried ones! What kind of figs with milk from a cough is more effective, which prescription is better to choose, and what is special about this method of treatment - all this we will discuss right now.

How to cook figs with milk from cough?

Figs with milk from coughs are effective due to the action of both components. Milk softens mucous, dilutes sputum and has fortifying properties. Figs, in turn, complement the therapeutic effect:

  1. Thanks to the high content of vitamin C and B vitamins improves the body's resistance.
  2. Has pronounced antibacterial properties.
  3. Improves the secretion of the internal glands.
  4. Strengthens the expectorant effect of milk.
  5. Reduces the temperature and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect.

All these properties are especially strong in fresh fruit, so if you have sore throat and cough, you can simply eat 1 fig tree fruit, thoroughly chewing it. Before that, it's good to drink a glass of fresh boiled milk with a little honey. If you want to get a decoction on milk, you can use the following tool.

The recipe for broth

Necessary ingredients:


Wash the figs, cut into 4 parts. Melt the butter in a frying pan and blanch it on the pieces of figs until the color changes the fruit. Milk boil, remove from heat, put the fig into it. The container with milk can be sealed with a lid and wrapped with a towel to prolong the cooling period as long as possible. When the broth reaches a temperature of 30 degrees, dissolve the honey in it and drink in 2 divided doses at intervals of 3 hours. The course of treatment lasts an average of 3-4 days.

Unfortunately, figs grow only in the southern regions, besides it is not stored for a long time, being seasonal. That's why most folk recipes are based on the use of this fruit in dried form.

Treatment of cough with dried figs and milk - prescription

Before cooking dry figs in milk from cough, you need to determine what kind of fruit you got. If the pieces of figs are white, its medicinal properties are somewhat lower, therefore the amount of fruit should be doubled. If the dried fig, which you have acquired, has a dark color, other proportions will do.

Recipe with dried figs

Necessary ingredients:


Place the figs in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour the milk and put on a slow fire. As soon as the foam begins to gather, remove from heat. Cover, cover with a towel or blanket and leave for 2 hours. After this time, knead the figs in milk with a mortar, or with a fork. The resulting broth is divided to 4 parts and drink during the day. Usually the course of treatment lasts 4-5 days, but can be extended up to a week.

Before brewing figs in milk from cough , you should make sure that it does not curl up. There are 2 ways - pre-boil the milk, or put a pinch of baking soda into it. The latter method works only with a product that does not have sour taste and smell.

Contraindications for this drug is rather small - it is lactose intolerance, allergy to figs, cholelithiasis and food disorders. The fact is that such a decoction has a pronounced laxative effect, which does not always favorably affect the work of the digestive tract.