Treatment of the sciatic nerve folk remedies

The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the human body. It is located at the beginning of the lumbar region and stretches to the toes. Inflammation of this nerve does not go unnoticed, because it is accompanied by intolerable pain, it can be very difficult to cope with. We will discuss further the treatment of the sciatic nerve by folk remedies.

Symptoms of pinch of the sciatic nerve

The cause of this problem may be the presence of hidden defects in the spine, in joint damage or in diabetes . Often this phenomenon indicates an intervertebral hernia.

The main symptoms include:

National treatment of the sciatic nerve - internal application


A good remedy to restore a damaged sciatic nerve is the tincture of calendula :

  1. Pour into the pot the flowers of the plant (two large spoons) and pour boiling water (two glasses).
  2. Set the flowers should be at least two hours, pre-covered with a lid.

Drink tincture should be 100 ml before meals (four times a day).


With infringement of the sciatic nerve, folk treatment recommends taking a medicine from burdock:

  1. The ground roots of the plant (one spoon) are poured with a Cahors (glass).
  2. Preheat the mixture over medium heat for five minutes.

For treatment, drink a decoction of half a cup before breakfast and dinner.

Horse Chestnut

  1. With boiled water (two glasses) pour the seeds of horse chestnut (two teaspoons).
  2. Leave in a water bath for about a quarter of an hour.

After filtering, drink 100 ml before meals.

Folk methods of sciatic nerve treatment - external application


  1. Preheat the beeswax so that it softens.
  2. We impose it on the diseased part of the body, cover with cellophane and wrap it with gauze.

Put a compress as a folk treatment of sciatica nerve every day before going to bed.


When pinching the sciatic nerve, folk treatment suggested applying a compress with turpentine:

  1. Water (three tablespoons) is mixed with turpentine (two spoons).
  2. In this solution, dip a crust of bread, which is covered with a disturbing part of the body.
  3. Wrap the sore spot with food film.

Keep should be no more than a quarter of an hour. In case of severe burning, you can stop the procedure. Do it twice a week.