Scorpio man - how to win and hold?

Astrologers believe that the character of a person depends on which sign of the zodiac belongs to this person. The classification was so convenient that after the astrologers such things were believed by other people. So, for example, a certain character and style of behavior are considered typical for a man born from October 24 to November 22. What to do if he liked the girl, how to find an approach to the man of Scorpio.

How to win and hold a Scorpio man?

The representative of this sign of the zodiac is a thin and sensitive man, but at the same time, a cunning and unprincipled manipulator. He is very charming, accustomed to the increased attention of women to his person and accepts it with pleasure, but at the same time he tries to subjugate a woman and get everything possible from her, after which she, by and large, ceases to interest him. This person does not like simpletons, he is attracted by women-riddles. So, if the girl is interested in the question of how to tempt Scorpio, then the advice is simple (but not easy to perform): it must be a star, an enigma, beautiful, mysterious and unattainable. The longer a girl is, the longer Scorpio will love her. So the question of how to surprise the man of Scorpio, there is only one answer: not to capitulate before his spell, to preserve not only his independence, but his own intimacy. A girl should never belong to him completely, without a remnant, there must always be a "closed box" in her. However, if a girl is attracted by a refined game of feelings, then this is the person who needs it.

As usual, astrologers do not have a common opinion about the character and this sign. If some believe that Scorpio does not have conscience and makes no sense to appeal to his pity, others, on the contrary, attribute this sign to nobility and the ability to compassion. If some think that he is inclined to numerous and non-binding ties, others believe that Scorpio is the most faithful lover of all possible. The truth, as always, lies in the middle. But one thing is clear to everyone: in the case of the man-Scorpio, it is important both to win and how to retain it.

Relations with such a man will not be cloudless. Scorpio is jealous, demanding, somewhat hysterical. He is prone (fortunately, rarely) to attacks of anger that make his behavior uncontrollable. At the same time, he does not tolerate (more precisely, suffers with difficulty and not for long) the same tricks on the part of his beloved woman.

The main mistakes that can make a woman, falling in love with a man-Scorpio:

  1. Try to pretend to be a sweet little fool - Scorpions do not like fools or pretense.
  2. Agree to belong to him without a trace - Scorpio likes to conquer again and again.
  3. Refuse from their I - such men love strong opponents, and love for them - a duel.
  4. To hurt his dignity - Scorpio will not tolerate such an attitude.
  5. To show indifference to sexual life - the representatives of this sign appreciate the intimate component of love.
  6. To scoff at the feelings of Scorpio - he is very vulnerable, although he hides it with all his might.
  7. Lying - Scorpio loves fair play.

How to find a common language with a Scorpio man?

Yes, in general, just like with any other man: to love him and love yourself, not to try to lie and manipulate and not to renounce your personality . Then everything will turn out.

If you listen to all the advice and learn more about the characteristics of this sign of the zodiac, then you can easily be close to him and be a happy woman.