Trivial person

Trifling is perhaps the worst characteristic that a woman can give to a man. After all, we all dream of the generosity of the soul, wide gestures and beautiful deeds. From a petty person you are unlikely to wait for them. Moreover, the petty person in our view is a miser, and he is stingy not only for gifts, but for feelings.

For the sake of justice it is worth saying that women are petty to no less extent, but in ourselves we find this quality with much more indulgence. But let's first, figure out who the petty person is, and whether only this miser, or pettiness is reflected not on one material component.

Our life consists of a lot of events, which, in turn, can be divided into other, smaller events. And every action, even the smallest, is the result of our decisions. Some we take lightly, others we carefully weigh. A petty person sprays his attention just in the details, it is in them seeing a special importance. But, unfortunately, to the great ideas and affairs, their hands rarely reach, because time is eaten up by small troubles. Philistine pettiness, stinginess - all this prevents a person from rising above the fuss, to feel life and, most importantly - to achieve real heights. Details so occupy the consciousness of the petty person so much that the overall picture does not add up in his head.

The essence of pettiness

Trifling is the opposite side of absent-mindedness, and how any extreme can lead to everyday problems. So, for example, a petty person can carefully monitor the order in the house without noticing subtle psychological problems. For him, the child's homework done is more important than solving deeper complexes. This does not mean that the petty person is angry in his nature. He's just too shortsighted.

Household trivia, in addition, steal time and psychological sensitivity from a person. Sadness in the eyes is unnoticeable superfluous mote and pennies, spontaneous decisions that have no justification, except for the strongest impulses of the soul, are dismissed as initially wrong. Because people petty especially useful to relax and do something unusual. It is more often to look in the eyes of your loved ones, to dream more, to listen to your soul. And then pettiness is transformed into thrift, caring and, in general, into a positive quality that can strengthen any family.