Capital Truths

The phraseological "truest truth" arose a very long time ago and each of us heard it hundreds of times, and maybe even used it in conversation with respect to some phenomenon. But does everyone know its true meaning?

Capital letters are true - these are phrases or statements that we very often hear and well understand their authenticity. These are facts that have long been fixed in the public consciousness, that people simply stopped taking them into account.

The power of capital truths is not in what they mean, but in our ability to apply them in life. The knowledge that 2 + 2 will be 4 exists in our consciousness as well as true knowledge, but the essence of their action is radically different.

The whole trouble is that anyone can not challenge the composition of the alphabet or the result of a simple mathematical action to anyone, but those wishing to test the strength of age-old knowledge will always be a lot. Many of them, hoping for luck and some she still smiles, but most still remain with nothing.

Relevant literature will help you to raise the level of true knowledge and the general level of erudition. A good example is the book "Lexicon of Capital Truths" or Gustav Flaubert's "Complete List of Refined Thoughts".

Upper Truths of Men

Reasoning on such a completely philosophical topic from a female point of view, it is necessary to highlight the most important. Why was the man created?

In nature, examples of multiplication by division or self-fertilization are known, resulting in the emergence of new individuals, but they are actually clones of their parents. People are created in the form of men and women, so that new generations are not exact copies of the previous ones. Continuation of the genus is the capital of the true existence on earth of two opposite sexes. Our differences among ourselves and differences in views with our children give us the opportunity to develop.