Melancholic Characteristics

The characteristic of melancholics is a conversation about the people of art who feel subtly, experience each event deeply, are capable of sympathy and incredibly strong perception and reaction. As a rule, all melancholic people are thinkers, philosophers, people who adore art, exquisite objects and eternal man-made and natural values.

Characteristics of the type "melancholic"

Such people adore to think about anything, they are inclined to analyze, they like to disassemble everything in parts, they are engaged in "self-digging". As a rule, they are all very vulnerable, and a rude word can cause them to go into themselves for a long time, plunged into depression and complexes. To prevent this, such people become withdrawn and do not let anyone into their inner world.

Most melancholic people are great aesthetes by nature. They have a beautifully developed sense of beauty, balance and harmony. In the crowd, their impeccable style stands out. Every word of such a person is thought out and weighed, behind each one there is a sense, they do not say anything just like that.

If we talk about the pros and cons of the melancholic characteristics, then their main virtue is the ability to feel thinly, and the main drawback is the habit of taking things too close to the heart. In fact, their character is dual, it gives them both excellent abilities, and at the same time - an excuse for experiences.

Psychological characteristics of melancholia

Such people have a weak nervous system, it does not withstand overload, so these people are regulars among psychologists, psychotherapists and neurologists. They are poorly adapted to change, because they are conservative in nature - they are calmer when everything around is well known. They do not like moving, changing in love relationships, or even moving up the career ladder, because all this leads to a change in the usual way of life.

The mood of such people varies dozens of times a day, but knowing this particular feature, such a person will tend to hide their feelings deep inside. This is what causes various disorders. To offend such a person is very simple, that's why it's worth to be extremely tactful and careful about him, because an incautious phrase can sit down for a long time somewhere deep inside, in the soul of such a person, and wound it for a long time.

In terms of relations, such people are passive, they want to be chosen, achieved, and the relationship went by itself. They make high demands on the partner, which makes their marriage difficult.

Are you melancholic?

There are a lot of psychological tests that allow you to determine your belonging to a particular type of temperament. We offer you a simple test, for each question you need to honestly answer "yes" or "no".

  1. Are you suspicious and sensitive?
  2. Are you easy to offend, hurt, are you vulnerable?
  3. Is it difficult for you to adapt to a new, unfamiliar situation?
  4. Are you usually not sure of your abilities?
  5. Are you often shy, are you timid?
  6. Usually you speak rather quietly, if not vaguely?
  7. Are you very sentimental and impressionable, adore the art?
  8. Are you inclined to make high demands on yourself and others?
  9. Loneliness does not bother you, but you do not like noisy companies?
  10. Any little thing can spoil your mood for a long time?

If you have 8 or more "yes" answers, you are melancholic. If 5-7 - then you have a lot of melancholy features. In this case, you should undergo additional tests and look at mixed temperaments: for example, a melancholic choleric or phlegmatic melancholic characteristic. If 1-4 means you have very weak features.