Asthenic syndrome - what is it and how to treat it?

In a world full of stress and in an overabundance of information, asthenic disorders are not uncommon. The human body is in colossal tension, the nervous system fails and an asthenic syndrome is formed - a frequent companion of modern man.

Asthenic syndrome - what is it?

Asthenia is (Greek ἀσθένεια - impotence) - the general psychopathological state of the organism, manifested by complex symptoms, based on weakness and exhaustion of the nervous system. In the absence of treatment, it tends to worsen with time. In medical terminology, there are other names for asthenic syndrome:

Asthenia in Psychology

Asthenia in psychology is the resetting of the person's mental and physical resources, a condition in which it is literally difficult to move your legs, each step is difficult to give, it is impossible to resist this state because it requires strength, and they simply do not exist in humans. Over time, if not medically and psychologically corrected, the asthenic (neurotic) syndrome forms a major change in the character and psyche of the individual :

Asthenia - the causes of

In each case, the cause of the disease. Asthenic syndrome is the most often acquired neurosis on the background of unfavorable factors and stress of those present for a long time in human life. Other causes or factors triggering the development of asthenia:

An extensive group of causes refers to organic types of asthenia - this is a more serious prognosis of the course of the disease, tk. here the asthenic syndrome is a concomitant condition of severe organic lesions and disorders:

Asthenic syndrome - symptoms

What is asthenia and how does it differ from usual prolonged fatigue? Asthenic syndrome - a serious psychopathological condition and symptomatology depends on the type of asthenia, severity and duration:

  1. Asthenia is functional . Is temporary. The symptoms predominate: weakness, bad sleep.
  2. Asthenia is constitutional . Asthenic type of physique: underdeveloped musculature and skeleton, hollow thorax. Such people from birth have little energy, against the background of cardiovascular insufficiency quickly become tired, dizziness and fainting are frequent.
  3. Asthenia vital . Accompanies schizophrenia. Manifestations: lack of motivation for activity, reduction of life drives, apathy.
  4. Asthenia hyposthenic - rapid exhaustion, irritable weakness. Reduced response to external stimuli - the predominant processes of inhibition in the central nervous system. Hypostenics feel constantly emaciated.
  5. Asthenia hypersthenic - lack of self-control in emotions, affective lability, tearfulness. The processes of excitation predominate, which can be expressed in uncontrolled aggression.
  6. Stary asthenia is characterized by growing indifference to others, life in general. Deterioration of all cognitive processes, dementia.

Additional symptoms that allow suspected asthenic disorder:

Asthenic syndrome - treatment

Asthenic disorder seriously worsens the patient's quality of life and simple recommendations in the form of observing the regimen of the day will not help, the asthenic is unable to cope with it himself, therefore, an earliest visit to a specialist will help to identify the type of asthenia with which it is associated. How to treat asthenic syndrome? The doctor, based on the results of diagnosis, selects an individual course of treatment. If asthenia is caused by a somatic disease (hypertension, hypotension), then the main ailment is given to treatment of the main ailment.

Pills for asthenia

Medical treatment of asthenic syndrome is aimed at increasing the body's defenses, adaptation to stress factors, in severe cases, tranquilizers and neuroleptics are prescribed. The main medicines for asthenia are preparations of adaptogenic properties with nootropic and psychoenergetic properties:

  1. Betimil - restorative-reparative effect for 3-5 days in asthenic conditions. Accelerated rehabilitation and rehabilitation of work capacity.
  2. Metaproth - increases the body's resistance to adverse environmental effects (stress, hypoxia), increases efficiency.
  3. Tomerzol - increases the reserves of glycogen in the liver, which is the energy resource of the human body. It improves blood circulation, which is important for asthenia.

Vitamins for asthenia

Competently selected by the therapist vitamin preparations for asthenia help in addition to the main therapy:

  1. Vitamin E is necessary for the metabolism, the renewal of CNS cells.
  2. B1 (thiamin) - Deficiency is reflected in the work of the entire nervous system. It is not produced by the body, it comes only with food, vitamin preparations.
  3. B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) - restores the vital resources of the body, increases nerve conduction.
  4. In 12 (cyanocobalamin) - involved in the regulation of nervous processes.
  5. Magnesium - the deficiency of this microelement in cells causes the exhaustion of the nervous system.

Asthenia - treatment with folk remedies

It is important to remember that treatment with traditional medicine does not cancel the visit and consultation of a doctor. How to treat asthenia with the help of a natural pharmacy? There are adaptogens of plant origin that help restore the body a full sleep, vivacity and joy for life:

What to eat with asthenia?

Asthenic personality disorder needs correction on all "fronts." Food - a building material for the body, then as a person eats, this affects his energy state. With asthenia, it should be the most nutritious food containing vitamins B , E, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, tryptophan protein. An indicative list of products for asthenic disorders: