Meteozavisimost - symptoms

Meteosensitivity and meteodependence is one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia, which includes several classifications, depending on the weather changes data and the type of response to these changes.

Meteodependence is now a common pathology, which many doctors do not pay due attention, despite the fact that it can be a sign not only of the violation of certain organs and systems of the body, but also evidence of the presence of certain mental illnesses.

Causes of meteorological dependence

There may be several reasons for the dependence:

These reasons can be combined and cause deeper responses to a sharp change in weather conditions. In the presence of a genetic factor, the treatment of meteorological dependence can be prolonged and does not end in complete recovery.

Signs of meteorology

There is a strong relationship between the nature of changing weather conditions and the adverse reaction to them. Climatologists distinguish 5 types of weather conditions that affect a person's condition.


In this case, the difference in weather conditions is insignificant, and therefore has no effect on the body. Meteosensitivity is manifested when there is a sudden change in the weather - a sudden increase or decrease in pressure, a sharp cooling or warming. In meteozavisimyh people especially hard to tolerate zero temperature, followed by either cooling or warming.


Favorably affects the condition of those who have hypertension or oxygen deficiency.


A sharp cooling is accompanied by an increase in atmospheric pressure and this leads to a sharp increase in the oxygen content in the air. Such weather conditions are favorable for people with oxygen deficiency and low blood pressure, but for hypertensive patients such a change is unfavorable - there is a headache due to meteodependence, or heart pain. This is due to vasospasms.


With a decrease in oxygen in the air, the tone of the vessels decreases. At low atmospheric pressure meteozavisimost is manifested in hypertensive patients by improvement of the state, and in hypotonic patients, on the contrary, by deterioration of well-being due to a decrease in pressure.


With a sharp warming, the oxygen content in the air decreases, and therefore people can experience oxygen deficiency, which is manifested by retardation of thoughts, nausea, dizziness and apathy.