How is melissa useful and how to use it for various diseases?

Melissa, or lemon mint, like many of its pleasant refreshing aroma, but more important are the beneficial properties of this plant. To feel them on yourself, you just need to regularly drink tea, prepared with the addition of fragrant leaves.

Melissa - composition

Among folk remedies, lemon balm is distinguished by its accessibility, since it is very easy to grow houses in a pot and in the garden. Melissa and its properties were studied by scientists, which made it possible to determine the rich chemical composition. There are flavonoids, resins, ethereal and tannin substances, vitamins C, D and group B, and also minerals: selenium, iron, calcium, manganese and others.

Melissa - medicinal properties

Folk recipes from many diseases imply the use of different plants. Melissa and its beneficial properties have been known for a long time, that's why in the national piggy bank there are many different recipes for getting rid and preventing a lot of health problems.

  1. Helps to fight stress and depression. The aroma of this herb acts on the body as an antidepressant. You can not only make tea from leaves, but also add it to desserts and salads. Melissa extract has a calming effect, which is important for insomnia and problems in the nervous system.
  2. Has an antispasmodic effect, so it is recommended to use a fragrant plant with different types of spasms.
  3. It tones up the body, improves immunity and improves overall health.
  4. Positively affects the activity of the digestive tract. It is recommended to drink a decoction of lemon balm with constipation, excessive gas formation and swelling. It is useful for cholecystitis, pancreatitis and even ulcers, as folk remedies contribute to the healing of ulcers.
  5. The medicinal plant is allowed to use for the treatment of children. It helps with neuroses, rheumatism, chronic gastritis , cholecystitis and other diseases.
  6. Many will be pleased with the fact that the fragrant plant helps to lose weight. Tea will be an excellent addition to proper nutrition and exercise. It improves the metabolism, the work of the digestive tract and cleanse the body of toxins.
  7. It will be interesting to know how useful fragrant melissa for women, so use it in gynecology. Apply a decoction, prepared on the basis of leaves for syringing. Tea will be useful during menstruation, as it will help to cope with unpleasant symptoms, for example, pain, irritability and so on. Women who are in the position, the drink will relieve the toxicosis, and when breastfeeding it will improve the process of the formation of new milk.

Melissa with menopause

Women in menopause face different unpleasant symptoms, for example, problems with metabolism, deterioration of the nails and hair, psycho-emotional deviations and so on. The use of lemon balm for a woman is aimed at combating discomfort, fatigue and irritability, and also at normalizing the hormonal background. For this purpose, you need to prepare a decoction.



  1. Mix all the ingredients and take only 4 tbsp. spoons.
  2. The collection is poured in water and cooked on a steam bath for 15 minutes.
  3. To drink such a medicine is necessary after cooling 2 tbsp. spoon four times a day for half an hour before meals.

Melissa from the pressure

Based on fragrant leaves make decoctions or infusions that will help reduce blood pressure, which is important for hypertensives. For prevention at normal pressure, you can drink tea with melissa , but only need to monitor the dose. Melissa lowers the pressure when using a special decoction, which must be drunk fresh, so do not cook large amounts.



  1. Mix the ingredients and cook them in a water bath for 5 minutes.
  2. Take a decoction twice a day as follows: in the morning 2 tbsp. spoon, and in the evening 3 tbsp. spoons.

Melissa with gastritis

The person who has been diagnosed with gastritis, after eating, experiences a severity in the stomach, eructation and heartburn, and weakness. Doctors are allowed to use folk methods to reduce unpleasant symptoms, only it is important to undergo research. Finding out what melissa is treating, it is worth pointing out that the decoction of this plant promotes the healing of the mucosa. To start maintenance therapy, you need to prepare a drink.



  1. Mix the ingredients and put everything for a minute on the fire.
  2. After that, turn off the fire, close the lid and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Take this portion of the broth four times a day before eating.

Melissa with cold

Since ancient times, leaves of fragrant plants have been valued as an effective remedy against colds. It helps fight against viruses, relieves the headache that often accompanies respiratory diseases . If you are interested in the usefulness of melissa for colds, then it is worth knowing that many years of practice shows that it can cure a cold (by inhalation or instillation), get rid of sore throat and cough (various drinks). It has a plant and a diaphoretic effect, reducing the temperature. There is a special recipe for how to make lemon balm for a cold.



  1. Mix the ingredients and put on a fire and boil.
  2. After that, turn off the fire, strain, and put the melissa pollen in the ready milk broth.
  3. Take the finished medicine should be 1 tbsp. three times a day.

Melissa for the heart

People who have problems with the cardiovascular system, doctors advise to regularly drink beverages with melissa. This plant helps reduce heart pain and tachycardia attacks, get rid of cardiac dyspnea and normalize heart contractions. Melissa is recommended for arrhythmias and other cardiac problems. As for the vessels, the herb-based drinks prevent the deposition of cholesterol. To get the stated benefit, prepare the infusion.



  1. Combine the ingredients and insist the beverage by wrapping it in a scarf or other fabric for long-term preservation of temperature. You can use a thermos bottle.
  2. After cooling the infusion, take it at 1/2 st. 3-4 times a day.

Melissa with diabetes mellitus

Doctors agree with the opinion that it is useful for diabetics to drink tea with melissa. Explain this by the presence of substances that enhance metabolism, update the red blood cells and lymphocytes, and also conduct cleaning of the body. Melissa for health is useful because it normalizes the pressure. The correct operation of the digestive system is important for the treatment of diabetes and aromatic tea will help to provide it. There is no special recipe for diabetics, so just use the leaves to make tea.

Melissa from insomnia

Many people have problems with sleep, which have appeared against a background of numerous stresses, active work and lack of rest. You need to know what is useful for lemon balm, since this plant will help to cope with insomnia , headache and mood swings. Perhaps this is due to a calming and relaxing effect. It is important to point out that balm for sleeping helps only with minor disorders of the central nervous system and mild insomnia.



  1. Take the crushed leaves, and then put in the teapot and pour boiling water.
  2. The welding should be infused for about 15 minutes. and it will be considered ready. If you want, you can put some honey. If the taste is too concentrated, then add boiling water.
  3. To enhance the soothing effect, then add a few mint leaves to the teapot. Drink a drink half an hour before meals.

Melissa with pancreatitis

When inflammation of the pancreas is recommended to take broths and tinctures based on lemon balm. They have an enveloping effect, and they also disinfect well. Already after the first reception it can be noticed that the pain sensations have decreased, and with regular use there is inflammation. The best results are given by melissa tincture, which should be saturated.



  1. Pour the grass with boiling water, close and insist an hour.
  2. When the infusion will cool, you need to drink 0.5 st. for half an hour before meals.

Melissa in Cosmetology

The plant is used not only for internal treatment, but also for external influences. Cosmetologists have already determined how useful the balm for women, so the herb is used to care for the skin and hair. On the basis of leaves prepare different decoctions and infusions that are used as separate means, for example, as a conditioner or tonic, and you can also use lemon balm oil, which is added to the store care products or make masks.

Melissa for hair

Girls to maintain beauty use traditional medicine, so infusions, decoctions and oil balm for hair and all these tools have such properties:

  1. They help strengthen the bulb, have a moisturizing effect, remove redness and heal the resulting microcracks.
  2. It is recommended as a remedy for getting rid of dandruff.
  3. Activate the growth process, making the curls soft and supple.
  4. With regular application, remove dryness and fragility.
  5. Wrap hair and protect them from the negative influence of environmental factors.

Melissa for the face

Fragrant leaves can form the basis for the preparation of lotions, masks and other products that help maintain the beauty of the skin. For those who are interested in what is useful for lemon balm for skin, you need to know the following list:

  1. Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, improves the color of the face and helps to remove small wrinkles.
  2. Included in the composition tannins remove inflammation, helping to cope with rashes.
  3. Melissa oil for the face is useful because of its disinfecting and enveloping action, which creates a protective film on the face and removes bacteria.
  4. Promotes the normalization of moisture balance, removes peeling and dryness.
  5. With regular use, the face looks fresh and young.